Minutes of the WLHNA Meeting November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order by President Charles Edmonds at 7pm.
The Steve Chaney Award was given to Becky Forsythe.
NPO officer Elise Espinosa gave her report. She warned to keep firearms and car keys out of your unoccupied cars.
Natalie Nava from the City reported on Keep Fort Worth Beautiful. She reported on organized City clean-up events and programs.
The proposed revisions of the WLHNA bylaws passed.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as written.
The Treasurer's report was given. We started September with $6,19915. Income was $549.38 which included dues, donations and 1 T-shirt sale, expenses came to $1,341.25 with included mowing, water and the Fall Festival. The ending balance on October 31 was $5,407.28.
Visitors were introduced. Members of the Chaney family were present.
The COPS report was given.
The Events Committee gave a report. The Fall festival took place on Oct. 19 preceded by the 5K Run which started at 9am. A live band started playing at 10:30 at Smith Wilemon Park. There was a chili cook-off and face painting. Attendance was very good and the event was considered to be a success
New Business:
Members of the Trust Board serve a 3-year term. The Trust Board has decided to expand the current roster from 6 members to 7 members. Doug Forsythe has been nominated to be the 7th member. The neighborhood meeting attendees voted to confirm him to fill the new position.
Several roads will be resurfaced in WLH within the next 2 years.
AT&T fiber optic cable should be completely installed within the next 2-3 months.
Old Business: none.
Minutes of the WLHNA Meeting September 9, 2024
The meeting was called to order by President Charles Edmonds at 7pm.
Minutes from the previous meeting (7/8/224) were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report
Terri Bailey presented the Treasurer’s report.
Neighbors attending for the first time introduced themselves.
NPO Report
NPO Elise Espinosa gave her report. Officer James Salinas was also present. The non-emergency mobile number for NPO Espinosa is 817 584 2185. She can also be reached by email at elise.espinosa@fortworthtexas.gov.
COPS Report
Becky Forsythe gave the COPS report.
Events Committee
Terri Bailey reported on upcoming events. The neighborhood garage sale will take place on the weekend of September 27-28, starting at 8 am. Please let Terri know if you are having a garage sale.
The Fall Festival will take place on October 19. There will be a 5K race starting at 9, followed by a chili cookoff at Smith-Wilemon park. Cook off starts at 10:30.
The Trinity River Trash Bash will occur at Quanah Parker park on September 21 at 8 am.
The city-wide Litter Stomp will occur at Smith Wilemon park on October 5 at 8 am. Come and help clean up the park.
Yard of the Month was awarded to 5021 Fall River.
Olga, from the Fort Worth city communications department, gave a report.
Myra Waldrop introduced the speaker, Danielle Brit, from the city’s water conservation department. The goal of this department is to decrease outdoor water use in our city.
Old Business
No old business was reported.
New Business
No new business was reported.
Neighbors can keep up with neighborhood events on the website: www.whitelakehills.org.
Respectfully submitted by Sherri Glaser
White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes for July 8, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Terri B. made a motion to accept the minutes as written, with Doug seconding. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was given by Terri Bailey.
Events committee chair Terri B. reported on the July 4th event. The next event will be the Fall Festival.
New neighbors in attendance were Adrian Reyes from 5016 St. Lawrence, Sabrina Elliot from 401 Lake Charles North, and Eric Olsen from 204 Willow Ridge Rd. Welcome neighbors!
Jennifer Evalle reported on the monument area at Smith Wilemon Park. A drip irrigation system will be installed.
The new Yard of the Month goes to 401 Green River Trail, so go by to admire.
The COPS report was given by Kris Lewis. A total of 129 hours of volunteer time was reported.
The program was a presentation given by Brendon Wheeler on the Fort Worth-Dallas high speech rail proposal.
There was no Old Business to report.
New Business: Squatters had occupied a home in the neighborhood but were successfully evicted within 10 days.
Respectfully submitted by Sherri Glaser
White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes for May 13, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Secretary Sherri Glaser read the minutes, and they were approved as amended to state that residents Jennifer and Romeo Evalle will provide upkeep on the area around the Smith Wilemon Park sign in the park.
Treasurers Report was given by treasurer Terri Bailey
Visitors Sally Evertson, from the City of FW water department, and Lawrence Hamilton from FW code enforcement were introduced. Also present was our new NPO Elise Espinoza.
The COPS report was made by Becky Forsythe.
Events Committee chair Terri Bailey reported that the next event will be July 4. Stay tuned.
The Smith Wilemon Park beautification committee chair Jennifer Evalle reported on plans to embellish around the sign at the park.
The program was provided by City Council district 5 coordinator Sandi Breaux.
Old Business: none
New Business: Our president, Charles Edmonds, has been appointed to the Urban Rail Commission, which will study mass transit options in the city.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Glaser
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting on 3/11/24
The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm. Elaine Edmonds read the minutes from the previous meeting. They were approved as read.
Terri Bailey gave the treasurer’s report. Of the 591 homes in WLH, 169 of them paid their dues (29%).
An Easter egg hunt will take place on 3/30/24 at Smith Wilemon Park at 10:00 am.
Cowtown Clean Up will occur on 3/23/24 from 8:00-11:00. Meet at Smith Wilemon Park. This will take the place of Trash Talkers this month.
The neighborhood garage sale will be either on May 17 and 18, or April 26 and 27. Terri B. will tally votes and announce the date on March 18.
New communication: We have the option of starting a private Facebook page, and/or having a community bulletin board at Smith Wilemon Park.
Directory – Contact Terri Bailey if you want to be included in the directory.
Yard of the Month has started again, so look for the sign in the neighborhood.
Adam Noggle is heading up the tree program, for those who ordered trees. He has ordered 20 trees. Delivery will be in April.
Residents Jennifer and Romeo have graciously volunteered to provide care and upkeep of Smith Wilemon Park. Thank you, Jennifer and Romeo.
Kris Lewis provided the COPS report. In February, there were 23 active patrollers, who volunteered 133 hours. NPO Freddie has moved to a different region in the city. We will soon have a new NPO.
Guest Angela Goodwin, from Texas Blooms, announced that their annual fundraiser will take place on April 27 at TWU from 5:30 – 8. Table purchases cost $1000/table.
The program was provided by Myra Olga Nowlan, city of Fort Worth district 5 community liaison.
The city is laying new pipes along Oakland Blvd. by the school. It is expected to last for 3 months.
The city will replace pipes and make repairs on some WLH streets.
A distribution warehouse is being built on E. 1st St.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Glaser
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting on 1/8/24
The meeting was called to order by President Charles Edmonds at 7pm. Past president Bill Hanna announced that the Steve Chaney Award goes to Tommy Farquhar. Presenting the plaque were Mark and Kara Chaney, with Karen Chaney Teague. Not present were Matthew Chaney and Michael Chaney.
Minutes from the previous meeting (11/13/23) were approved as written.
Terri Bailey presented the Treasurer’s report and budget.
Kris Lewis reported that there are currently 26 active COPS members, who have volunteered 120 hours to help keep our neighborhood safe.
WLH Neighborhood police officer Freddie Nelson and Commander of the FWPD Eastside division A J Williams gave their report. Eighteen police officers worked in the city to curb fireworks at the new year. There is a $2,000 fine for discharging fireworks in the city limits. In lieu of cameras in the neighborhood, license plate readers will be installed. They will be used as a deterrent to crime.
Adam Noggle provided descriptions of trees offered by the city and a sign-up sheet to order a 5-gallon tree. Trees will arrive in March, where they can be picked up at Smith Wileman Park.
There was a request for volunteers to resurrect block captains to deliver information to neighbors’ doors.
Lola, the owner of the new business Postal Annex, reported that the Postal Annex, located at 1201 Oakland Blvd, Suite #1121, will celebrate its grand opening on January 26. Services include shipping for FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS, packing, mailbox rental, notary, copying, faxing, and more.
VP Myra Waldrop introduced the program speaker, Don Young. He gave a presentation on Tandy Hills Park.
No old business was reported.
Adam N. announced the next Trash Talkers will meet at Quanah Parker Park on January 26 at 8 am.
The neighborhood Easter Egg hunt will occur on either 3/23 or 3/24.
Spring and Fall garage sales will be discussed and announced closer to the event.
Neighbors can keep up with WLH neighborhood events on the website: www.whitelakehills.org.
The meeting adjourned at 8:09
Respectfully submitted by Sherri Glaser
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting on November 13, 2023 at the Montessori School.
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7pm and introduce Kris, the WLH COPS Co-Captain, who then introduce the WLH Neighborhood Police Officer Freddie Nelson. Nelson discussed a proposed deployment of Police cameras that could be placed at the neighborhoods entrances to record license plates, deter crime and would be monitored by professionals. During the Q & A it was suggested we write a letter of support for the cameras.
President Hanna polled those present for their support of the camera idea and they were unanimous in their support.
Officer Nelson reported on crime for the previous two months, and then introduced A J Williams the new Commander of the FWPD Eastside division. Commander Williams shared his story of service beginning in EFW and rising through the ranks to leadership and indicated he will try to attend WLHNA meetings in the future.
Charles Edmonds, Secretary, presented the minutes of the September25th meeting. They were amended for a typographical error and accepted. A copy is attached.
Terri Bailey, Treasurer, presented the Monthly report of income and expenses and it was accepted. A copy is attached.
A representative of the Montessori School invited residents of WLHNA to attend their Festival of Lights on December 21rst, form 6-8pm at the school. There will be tours, a silent auction, and a student musical presentation at 6:15pm. Admittance is free, but a number of vendors will be offering goods.
Bill Bowman, Co-Captain of the WLH COPS organization reported Paul and Julie Dominguez have joined COPS bringing the membership to 24. Last month they recorded 105.25 volunteer hours.
President Hanna called upon Doug Forsythe to report the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. The nominated were:
President, Charles Edmonds
Vice-President Myra Waldrop
Treasurer Terri Bailey
Secretary Sherri Glaser
Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe
Seeing no nominations from the floor, President Hanna called for a motion and second that nominations cease, and the slate presented by the committee be elected by cclamation. The vote was unanimous in favor and the new officers were elected.
President Hanna confirmed that both the Fall Festival and 5 K Race were cancelled because of rain. The 5K race was rescheduled, but the rain persisted. Despite the weather a few runners persisted and refreshments were served under the pavilion at Smith-Wilemon Park, Pictures have been posted on the WLHNA website (whitelakehills.org).
Terri Bailey presented two new projects that the neighborhood hopes to accomplish in 2024. Norma Hofmeister has volunteered to organize the effort to recruit volunteers throughout the neighborhood to serve as Block Captains to increase our connection with all of our residents. Teri also presented a new volunteer led neighborhood directory for those residents interested in participating. The directory would provide better communications within the neighborhood.
There was an expression of support for both projects.
There was an expression of appreciation for both President Hanna and Adam Noggle for their service and continuing support of the neighborhood.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
Vice President Adam Noggle called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Mr. Noggle introduced Ms. Jones who represented the Montessori School (the host facility) to speak about the school’s operation. She revealed the school offers daycare, preschool programs, and grades 1-5. The school enjoys a partnership with the Academy of Visual Arts wherein students can continue to the 6th grade. They currently have 196 students. The school’s fundraising goal is $18,000 for which they have raised $2,257. They are recruiting volunteers for new landscaping as they prepare for opening on September 25th. They will continue their Annual Carnival 0n October 6, 2023 and the public is welcome.
Mr. Noggle gave a brief FWPD report for NPO Freddie Nelson. In August there were 20 incidents in Nelson’s district, but only one police call in White Lake Hills.
Mr. Noggle called on the WLH COPS co-captains for the COPS report. Bill Bowman reported 24 members and 19 were active. They patrolled 61.25 patrol hours in August. In addition, there were 19.25 observation hours, 1.5 walking hours, and 10 volunteer hours for a total of 93 hours. National Night Out will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 3rd, 6-8pm at 709 Green River Trail and 904 Raintree Rd. Neighbors in the vicinity of those locations will receive invitations. At Green River Trail hamburgers will be served. The purpose is to promote the FWPD, WLH COPS and the cooperation of neighbors.
Mr. Noggle recommended the use of www.whitelakehills.org which is the neighborhoods web site where information about the neighborhood is posted.
Treasurer Terri Bailey’s financial report for August was given and a copy is attached. It was approved in a unanimous vote.
Secretary Charles Edmonds reported the minutes of the neighborhood’s July 10, 2023 meeting had been posted previously on the neighborhoods web site and offered printed copies. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Mr. Noggle offered as ongoing business the CFW’s Park and Recreation Department’s hearings regarding the Revision of the Gateway Park’s Master Plan and their current budget of $8,000.000. He encouraged engagement and participation. The next hearing will be held at Eastern Hills High School September 21rst at 6pm. He mentioned an Amphitheater, splash park, riding stables and dirt bike trail as examples.
The CFW’s Litter Stomp has been postponed and will be scheduled for a later date. They have adopted six miles of the trail beginning at Quanah Parker Park.
The next WLHNA Garage sale will be on Friday October 6th and Saturday the 7th from 8am to 5pm. Anyone interested in being listed in the newspaper and location map should contact Terri Bailey at 817-504-0057. Residents do not have to participate in the ad and flyer to hold an independent sale.
The WLHNA Fall Festival will be held October 31rst at Smith Wilemon Park. Festivities begin with the 5K race at 9pm followed at 10:30 by music, food and socializing. The music will be provided by “Mostly Water and Dirt” and sponsored by Paul Blankenship, one of our neighbors. The WLHNA will prepare the meat and ask attendees to bring prepared sides and desserts. The event is free to White Lake residents.
The CFW Park and Recreation program offers a “Tree Program” wherein they giveaway of five-gallon native hybrid trees with the only requirements being they are planted within twenty feet of the curb and on a “thruway” (not a cul-de-sac). There will be an announcement by the neighborhood in the future and orders will be combined for delivery.
Jane Cumbie shared that Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist Church is restarting their “Carnival Night” on October 31rst at 6pm and everyone is invited to attend. Admittance is free, but tickets are needed for games and concessions.
Ross Stevens said that he is working with the Montessori school and others to promote and expand the trail system through Fort Worth into Dallas County. Christmas activities are being considered along the trail from Quanah Parker Park to Grapevine Lake.
Doug Forsythe introduced the members of his committee and offered a slate of office holders for 2024. They included for President Charles Edmonds, Vice-President Adam Noggle, Treasurer Terri Bailey and Secretary Sherri Glaser. The election will be held at the next meeting of the WLHNA on November 13, 2023 and terms will begin January 1, 2024. The floor will be open for other nominations prior to the vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
June 10, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Charles Edmonds, Acting Secretary, reminded everyone the minutes of the last meeting were posted on the WLH.org website and offered a printed copy for their reading.
President Hanna called for a motion to accept the minutes as presented and the motion was made by Jim Thompson and seconded by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were accepted in a unanimous vote.
Terri Bailey gave her Treasurers report, and it was accepted. There ensued a brief discussion of using Venmo for future payments of association dues. The report is attached.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenters Paul Kerpoe and Angela Goodwin representing the Texas Blossoms Texas Project in Fort Worth. The project was an idea given by Ann Tandy to her husband Charles Tandy and others in 1978 and was designed to emulate tree plantings she had observed in the Northeast. Jerry Barton with a group of volunteers and donors brought the project to fruition, established annual fundraising, and expanded the project to include painted murals. 1600 trees have been planted. A brochure and map illustrating the project thus far is attached.
President Hanna called for old business and there was none. He observed that the WLHNA 4th of July parade and park ceremonies were well attended and invited everyone to pay their volunteer annual dues of $25 or a more generous donation. To save postage, dues can be deposited in Teri Bailey’s residential mail slot at 704 Candlewood Rd.
Under new business President Hanna reminded everyone upcoming events include a neighborhood garage sale (TBD), Fall festival and reinstated the Steve Chaney Award for outstanding service to the neighborhood (fall meeting). He then appointed volunteers Sheila Camp, Doug Forsythe, Linda Fulmer, Norma Hostetter and Jim Thompson to serve as the nominating committee with the goal of reporting their recommendations for next year’s officers at the September meeting. Attendees were encouraged to send donations for the Texas Blossoms project to WLHNA, P. O. Box 8656, Fort Worth, TX 76103.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attachments: Blossoms brochure & map, Treasurers report
In lieu of the Blossoms brochure & map, the web address is www.TexasBlossoms.org
Treasurer’s Report – July 10, 2023 – Terri Bailey
We started May with a balance of $8,712.63. Over the two months, we received income from dues of $125.27 from 5 households.
We spent $1200 on mowing of 3 entrances once a week. We spent $200.61 on water for 2 entrances.
The 4th of July Parade and Party cost us $150 for parade insurance. The refreshments were $401.19 (dry ice, ice cream, water & sodas) but they won’t show up on the books until July. $200 was donated to the band from Myra and Phil Waldrop. The total one time cost to the neighborhood for the event was $551.19.
Three sign panels for the 4th of July were purchased from Fast Signs for $335.79. A week before the event, one sign was taken and had to be replaced at a cost of $160.33. After the event, the missing sign was found and returned so we now have an extra sign frame and 4thof July event panel.
An additional cost of $3.00 is charged for an ATM card for the neighborhood account which would allow us to accept Venmo should we decide to do so. Venmo is owned by the same company as Paypal and has similar fees. Our bank does not participate in Zelle.
We ended the month of June with an account balance of $6,788.17.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
May 8, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
At the request of President Hanna, first time attendees introduced themselves: Bradley & Samantha Lane and children Noah and Amelia (720 Green River Trail), and Shaye Evans (220 Willow Ridge Rd.
Treasurer Terri Bailey presented the minutes of the previous meeting on March 13, 2023, and were approved unanimously after a motion by Charles Edmonds and second by Tommy Farquhar.
Terri Bailey gave treasurers report, and it was accepted.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenter Donnie Pham, CCM, from AECPM, the consulting engineering firm hired by the City of Fort Worth to gather public input and data as part of the effort to update the 2009 master plan for Gateway Park. Consultant Pham reviewed the history of Gateway Park and its connection to Panther Island, The Army Corp of Engineers, and the Tarrant County Water Control Board. The purpose of the update is consideration of the of changes that have taken place since the last Master Plan update in 2009 to validate the plan or recognize the public’s desire to reset the priorities. There is only eight million dollars remaining from the 2022 bond program, so any projects for planning and implementing projects will probably require additional funding.
During the Q & A neighborhood members emphasized the size and importance of the park. Pham responded there will be three public scheduled meetings. Meeting one will be for fact finding, two will be to package the recommendations, and three will be to gather a consensus of the priorities for the updated plan. Pham said it is crucial that we attend all three of those meetings and make our opinions heard. The dates will be announced.
COPS Captains Bill Bowman and Kris Lewis reported on neighborhood COPS patrol activity and an upcoming ice cream social for all active patrollers.
President Hanna discussed the next neighborhood event and invited everyone attending to pay their volunteer dues of $20 or a more generous donation.
There was an announcement of a musical presentation in the neighborhood on May 12that a residence on Granite Shoals Ave. more information is available at philhenn@aol.com .
The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Officer Freddie Nelson described the boundaries of his beat. He said that not much is going on in our neighborhood other than complaints about expired tags. The people hanging out at Smith Wilemon Park have left. Cars can be reported if they are parked in the street and are obviously non-operable, abandoned or if the tag is expired. If a problem car is in a driveway then Code has to handle it.
Gyna Bivens is introduced by Charles Edmonds. She is the incumbent for our new City Council District. She explained what she has done for her district since 2013. After speaking, she left the building.
Terrance Hamilton with the Community Engagement Office said April 6 is the last day to register to vote, April 24-May 2 is early voting and May 6 is Election Day. Fortworthtexas.gov lists candidates for City Council. The new council district for White Lake Hills is district 5. He went over various links such as the Myfortworth app to find information on the election or report neighborhood issues. He then handed out 2023 Calendars.
Adam Noggle introduced Hannah Johnson who spoke about getting free trees from the Fort Worth Forestry Section Services - Community Tree Planting department. She handed out flyers with information. Her contact information is Hannah.johnson@fortworthtexas.gov. They are currently taking requests for 2024. Adam Noggle has volunteered to coordinate the program for White Lake Hills.
Trash Talkers – Adam Noggle has renewed our contract adopting an even larger section of the trail for another 5 years. There will not be a Trash Talkers in March due to a City sponsored cleanup program.
The minutes have been posted on Whitelakehills.org. Charles Edmonds made a motion made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Jack Kuehn and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $,3,311.67. We had an income of $8,509.32 which included dues of $4,359.32 and a $4,150 transfer from the Trust. Expenses were $1,607.51, which includes water bills, mowing, signs and 1 year of flag service. That leaves us with a balance of $9,814.20 as of February 28. The base water charge has gone up and so has the flag service fee. A special thanks to Scott & Moe Wheeler for a donation of $350.
Bill Hanna said we need a new member for the Trust to replace someone who moved. We need a committee to form to nominate a new Trust member. A committee quickly formed and nominated Tommy Farquhar. He was quickly elected.
March 25 – Cowtown Cleanup at Smith Wilemon Park. T-shirts will be provided. Show up at 8am.
April 1 – WLH Easter Egg Hunt at Smith Wilemon Park – 10am. Help the Easter Bunny if you show up at 9am. WLH T-shirts are still available in Large, x-large and 3x-large. $20 each.
Spring Garage Sale – dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Block Captains will be considered at a future meeting.
Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman provided a COPS report. 24 patrollers last month. We can use more patrollers. We also request that patrollers keep an eye on our schools. More information can be found at www.whitelakehills.org and we have information available here.
New residents – Jacob & Iris at 4909 Boulder Lake, Romeo at 5025 Fall River Dr.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
January 9, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Bill Hanna asked for a show of hands to accept same officers for next year. It was approved unanimously.
Officers in attendance: Bill Hanna, President, Doug Forsythe, Parliamentarian, Terri Bailey, Treasurer. Absent due to illness: Adam Noggle, Vice President, Melissa Kirkland, Secretary, Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman, COPS Coordinators. Substitute Secretary for this evening – Becky Forsythe.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started November with $5,370.15. We had an income of $205.18 and expenses of $2,263.66, which includes water bills, mowing, web development & 2 domain names, signs, envelopes & door hangers and PO Box rental. That leaves us with a balance of $3,311.67 as of December 30.
It is proposed that we request $8,000 from the trust to cover next year’s budget. Tommy Farquhar moved to approve the budget. It passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the November meeting were distributed and have also been posted on our website, www.WhiteLakeHills.org along with the minutes for the previous September meeting. Sue Hicks moved to approve the minutes. They passed unanimously.
New Business:
Neighborhood Entrances - dead tree limbs overhang the property at the Lake Havasu entrance. Doug Forsythe was concerned that the neighborhood could be liable for damage caused by falling limbs. It was pointed out that the median is owned by the City of Fort Worth and the land on each side is owned by East Fort Worth Montessori Academy. The neighborhood doesn’t own the land at any of our entrances and is not liable for injuries on these properties. We maintain the entrances because we care about them, not because we are required to.
Spring Garage Sale– dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Next Meeting– Monday, March 13, 2023. Officer Nelson will attend and we will also have a guest speaker TBA, possibly the soil conservationist from last spring.
Event Committeefor Spring Easter Egg Hunt – Jack & Pat Kuehn volunteer to organize.
AirBNBs are still a big topic of concern. Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye out for problems and report them.
Bill Hanna is committed to posting a Presidents blog page on our website.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Adam Noggle – The 5K was very successful. There were 29 participants. Trash Talkers meets Saturday morning at 8am. It lasts 1 hour. It’s been ongoing for over 4 years. Everyone is welcome to join in. Bags are provided but grabbers are useful.
Guest Speaker– Elijah de la Garza, Owner of Woodhaven Country Club, Contractor & Real Estate Developer. Louis Scoma was ready to sell the club and Elijah was ready to buy it. It’s in very bad shape and is not operable. The golf course will be redeveloped including 5000 new trees and new restaurants. Revenue will not be limited to memberships. His investment group is buying up a lot of surrounding land. He currently owns around 300 acres of which the golf course is around 150 acres. They plan to invest in local businesses. The process should take 24-36 months. They have civil engineers and attorneys to hire. They’ve hired Tom Kite, US Open winner to help with the design of the new course. The plan will include a spa and at least 5 new restaurants in the area. The current swimming pool is beyond repair. Tennis will be available along with pickleball and basketball. There will be meeting spaces available. He appreciates any moral support the local neighborhoods can offer.
Bill Hanna has Charles Edmonds fill in for Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland doesn’t have the minutes prepared but they will be posted on Nextdoor next week. They will also be posted on our new web page.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started September with $7,638.24. We had an income of $399.24 and expenses of $2,667.33, which includes water bills, mowing and Fall Festival/ 5 K expenses. That leaves us with a balance of $5,370.15 as of October 31. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
We have 3 AirBnbs operating in the neighborhood. They are illegal and should be reported to the City. 5009 Boulder Lake, 701 Raintree *, 625 Blue Lake Drive. Complaints can be made on the MyFW app.
A developer has contacted the neighborhood proposing a possible new development behind the houses on Willow Ridge around an existing small lake. He wanted to know how we feel about multi-story multi-family housing or small rental homes. He was told that we would prefer single family homes comparable to existing homes in the area. Our residents would not like tall buildings overlooking their backyards and our neighborhood would fight any zoning change to allow that.
We have a website at www.WhiteLakeHills.com. Anyone who is familiar with Wordpress is welcome to assist us. We have hired an expert to instruct us. Damon Docksteder is hosting the site.
Charles Edmonds moves to accept the delayed-minutes and financial reports. They are accepted unanimously.
COPS Citizens on Patrol – Bill Bowman: We should have a minimum of 8 new patrollers by next year. Forms are available if anyone is interested. The next class is in January. We have plenty of openings for new patrollers.
Linda Fulmer is coordinating Cookies for Cops (and firefighters + code officials.) Volunteers are needed to donate goodies (homebaked goods, nuts, fruit, etc.) and help pack them up.
Bill Hanna intends to have our lawn maintenance company also mow around the photinias at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail, as compensation for our use of the school for our meetings. The school is also looking for volunteers to help with their gardens.
Dec. 16 – Evening of Lights – The Montessori School would appreciate donations of holiday lights.
We will be printing door tags to remind people to pay their dues. The dues are due now and are $25 per year.
Peggy Terrell – is working to get the crepe myrtles at the Blue Lake entrance trimmed to improve visibility.
There will be a pancake breakfast at Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist for 4H club on this coming Saturday 8-10.
A homeless camp has been reported in Smith Wilemon Park.
There will be a Christmas Light judging in December. It will be handled by Geoffrey Tate.
Nominating Committee for Trust positions – Norma Hofmeister.
Volunteers for passing out door tags: Myra Waldrop, Melissa Kirkland
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
* UPDATE JAN. 10, 2023 - The owner of 701 Raintree Road has notified us that the property now requires a 31 day minimum stay and is not a short term rental.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hannah called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Officer Nelson, White Lake Hills NPO, spoke to our group about issues affecting the neighborhood, particularly the number of homeless individuals being pushed into the area due to the Panther Pavilion project. Noted one aggravated the previous weekend that was still being investigated. Officer Nelson requested that residents notify him of suspicious vehicles or individuals in the neighborhood, including texting him license plate photos and informing him of any calls placed to 911, to keep him informed. He indicated that the Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association would like to have a joint meeting with White Lake Hills. Officer Nelson encouraged residents to attend City Council meetings to voice concerns about the homeless moving into the area (and the lack of charging of those individuals bu the District Attorney’s office, as well as other issues affecting the neighborhood.
Ms. Adriane Yarclay, SEL Coordinator at East Fort Worth Montessori, addressed the group. Sukai Durosimi, Superintendent, has offered the use of the school facilities for meetings. The school would like to build a stronger relationship with the neighborhood association. The school is just completing construction due to the ice storm last year. The school hosts a clinic without walls, parent universities, and other events that they would like to open to the community. The school is looking for a Boy Scout troop interested in taking on the raised garden beds as a troop project.
Bruce Frankel, CEO/President of DRC Solutions, presented to the group about the nonprofit organization’s programs for homeless individual in the Fort Worth area. DRC Solutions focuses on housing, critical documents, and outreach involving FWPD, FWFD, and MHMR. They also provide cold-weather overflow housing when shelters are full. They are the fourth largest homelessness provider in the Fort Worth area. They specialize in working with the chronically homeless who have disabilities, particularly those who have mental illness. They partner with developers to provide affordable housing and permanent housing for homeless disabled individuals.
Fort Worth has 1,200 to 1,600 homeless persons in the city on any given day, but only has nighttime shelter for approximately half of those. Last year the governor signed a law that outlawed homeless encampments and threatens to withhold funding from cities that do not break up such encampments. Enforcement activities are pushing homeless people out of the city center and into neighborhoods. Inflation in the housing market is also contributing to homelessness. For questions or additional information about how you can be part of the solution, call 817-810-9797 or email info@drc-solutions.org.
Meeting Minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland note the minutes from July have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started July with $10,553.84. We had income of $883 from dues and donations, and expenses of $3,798.60, including T-shirts, water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $7,638.24 as of August 31. Terri also gave a T-shirt report, noting that we need to sell 17 additional shirts to break even.
Bill Hannah noted upcoming events, including the Dairy Run 5K and fall festival on October 15th, and a fall dues push involving placing door hangers throughout the neighborhood. Bill is requesting assistance with the fall festival and meal. His phone number is 817-798-3567 for those who would like to volunteer. The website is in progress and will be available soon.
Adam Noggle, VP, noted Trash Talkers would normally pick up trash in Quanah Parker Park on Saturday, September 17; however, this is the date for the Trinity Trash Bash. If you would like to register to participate, sign up at Trash Bash website and choose option 7 for Quanah Parker Park.
Terri Bailey noted the neighborhood garage sale will be September 30th – October 1st starting at 8am.
National Night Out will be October 4th. Information is available on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
July 11, 2022
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped by to speak to our group. She discussed a survey that her office will be sending out to those who voted in the latest elections. The survey will address and request input on matters of importance in the upcoming legislative session, including affordable long-term care, firearms and school safety, voting laws, gambling/gaming, and decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. She requested that everyone complete and return the survey to have their voices heard.
Meeting Minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey said the meeting minutes from May have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started May with $10,583.67. We had income of $395.67 from dues and donations, and expenses of $475.44, including water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $10,553.84 as of June 30. The money market account, which earns interest at a rate of 0.15%, which earned .36 in June and .38 in May, for a total money market balance of $2,923.90 at June 30.
Citizens on Patrol report: Bill Bowman reports COPS is looking for volunteers for as little as a couple of hours per month. The program only has 14 volunteers on the list right now. Individuals volunteering a minimum of 1-2 hours per month would be greatly appreciated.
T-Shirt Report: WLH is selling T-shirts for $20 each. The association spent $1,034.87 on shirts and currently has a deficit of $409.87. We need to sell 21 more shirts to break even.
Presentation: Sheila Franklin, member of the North Central Texas chapter of the Native Plant Society, gave a presentation on butterflies. She recommended the website www.dallasbutterflies.comfor a list of local butterflies, including host plants by butterfly.
New Business:
Bill Hanna discussed the ongoing process of amending the bylaws in order to have a quorum to be able to conduct business and to limit the number of meetings required of the executive committee.
Bill mentioned 4th of July in the park was successful. Further information will be forthcoming about the fall festival and garage sale. Items for discussion include a dinner for attendees.
Bill Hanna discussed websites. The association is working with a software called WordPress to set up the website (currently at whitelakehills.com) and transition away from Nextdoor. Anyone with ideas for content should email Bill at browndogjensen@gmail.com.
Quanah Parker Trash Talkers meet the 3rdSaturday of the month from 8am – 9am. Bring gloves and a trash grabber. Bags will be provided.
Bill Hanna reminded attendees about the MyFW app, which is useful for reporting code compliance violations to the city.
New Residents
Laurence Furr and Matthew Naughton live on Willow Ridge. They have lived here for ten years but this is their first meeting. Sarah Cloud is a new resident who lives on Blue Lake Court. Welcome Laurence, Matthew and Sarah!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped in to speak to our group. She encouraged us to call her office if there was any problem that she might be able to help with. Her number is 817-332-1180. Her email is Nicole.collier@house.texas.gov.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced our guest speakers, Bobbie Spence and Connie Miller of Silver Creek Materials. They discussed landscaping materials and soil amendments, including Zoo Poo. Information about their business can be found at www.silvercreekmaterials.com. They are located at 2251 Silver Creek Rd., Fort Worth, 76108.
Meeting minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey says the meeting minutes from March have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at this meeting. Linda Fulmer moves to approve the minutes. Doug Forsythe moves to second the minutes. The minutes are approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started March with $10,427.79. We had an income of $275.00 and expenses of $119.12, which includes water bills and mowing at the Blue Lake Drive entrance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,583.67 as of April 30. We’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Citizens on Patrol report– Becky Forsythe says that a meeting will be held on the upcoming Friday at the Hanna’s house at 6:30pm to go over the My Fort Worth AP. All active patrollers are invited. The active patrollers can then distribute the information to the neighborhood.
New Business:
Bylaws – Bill Hanna is forming a committee to rewrite the Bylaws. The committee will consist of Doug Forsythe and Bill Hanna. A third member is needed. Geoffrey Tait is persuaded to join.
Bill Hanna says the Easter Egg Hunt was very successful. It was a great opportunity to meet neighbors. He would like our 4thof July Celebration to also be successful. The Parade can start at 10am before it’s too hot. The activity following the parade is open to discussion, whether brisket or ice cream or something else.
We are looking at a lawn mowing service to care for our 3 entrances. Bill Hanna is open to discussing the job with anyone who is interested in applying. Terri will post the opening on Nextdoor for White Lake Hills’ residents.
The Neighborhood Garage sale is coming up in June on the 3rd and 4th. Anyone who wants to participate should notify Terri Bailey to be added to the map.
We are considering ordering t-shirts for the neighborhood. One option is displayed which says “Welcome to White Lake Hills”. Another option is a royal blue shirt with the neighborhood logo is in white. Several neighbors express a preference for the “Welcome to White Lake Hills” design. An order of at least 51 shirts costs the neighborhood just under $12 for each shirt. Terri Bailey will order shirts.
New Residents:
Myra Waldrop now lives at 4900 Granite Shoals with her husband and father-in-law. Welcome Myra!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
Bill asked if we had any new residents. We have Alan and Melissa Kirkland at 1001 Green River Trail.
Bill wants to encourage all our residents to get to know their neighbors.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $10,354.77. We had an income of $275.72 and expenses of $252.70, which includes water bills and annual flag service payment. That leaves us with a balance of $10,377.79 as of February 28. We have more than we started the year with so we’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Becky Forsythe read the minutes for the last meeting in January. They have been posted on Nextdoor. A motion is made to approve the minutes. The motion receives a second. The minutes are approved unanimously.
NPO Officer Freddie Nelson: He may be promoted at the end of July. He hopes to bring a group of final candidates for his replacement position to one of our meetings. He would like our neighborhood to be involved in the selection process. Also, Commander Elgin hopes to combine meetings with each neighborhood into fewer meetings with several neighborhoods attending. Officer Nelson has suggested combining his two neighborhoods, Central Meadowbrook and White Lake Hills for a meeting the first Thursday of every month.
Officer Nelson said that there’s been an uptick in suspicious people caught on Ring cameras trying doors to see if they’re unlocked. He also said that if anyone is dissatisfied with the police response to a problem, they should contact him directly and he will look into it. There’s also been a problem with homeless people trying to move into Smith Wilemon Park. He and other officers have run them off. There are currently 2 classes at the police academy. The East side will have 25 new officers. He said that White Lake Hills is typically a quiet neighborhood but they still try to have a patrol car drive through 3-4 times per night. Keep your cars locked at night. Most mischief occurs between 1am and 5am. Ring cameras have been very helpful.
Neighborhood cameras are being discussed again. There’s a possibility that they can be monitored by the police department. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Old Business:White Lake Hills Trust needs to replace Stacy Wilson (who has moved) and Terri Bailey (who is now attending as Treasurer.) The proposed slate of Trust members is as follows – James Spivey for a 2ndterm, Jane Goodenough for a 2nd term, Paul Dominguez as a new member and Ialeen Cole as a new member. Bill Hanna will automatically attend as WLHNA President. There are no other nominees proposed. A motion is made to accept the proposed slate. A second is made. The slate is accepted unanimously.
New Business:
Bill Hanna points out that we are just starting to have in person gatherings again and we will be resuming neighborhood events. We need to gauge what sort of support there is for our 4th of July picnic & parade, Fall Festival, etc. These events require effort and we need people to be involved.
WLH Neighborhood Garage Sale will be the 1stweekend in June, Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5thstarting at 8am.
Bill Hanna would like to have some sort of directory or data base for our neighborhood. He agrees that a printed directory would probably not work but something digital might. Suggestions are welcome.
Easter Egg Hunt – Aaron Mullen’s daughter will be the Easter Bunny. Linda Fulmer has the bunny suit and will provide it to Bill Hanna.
An annual audit is overdue so it will now be addressed.
Bill Hanna asks for suggestions for speakers for upcoming meetings.
Adam Noggle founded the Trash Talkers group 4 years ago. It’s the 1stSaturday of each month at 8am at Quanah Parker Park. Volunteers are invited to help keep the park clean.
March 26 – Cowtown Cleanup with be at Smith Wilemon Park and free t-shirts are provided along with supplies like bags and trash grabbers.
Construction activity is ongoing at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail. Neighbors are wondering what is being done.
Prize tickets are read out and prizes are awarded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Linda Fulmer called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm on ZOOM.
Linda asked if we have anyone who hasn’t attended a meeting. Justine Healey and her husband moved into the area a year ago last August on Fall River Drive.
President’s report:
This is Linda’s last meeting as president since we will have new officers after this meeting.
There is construction underway on the property on 1st Street owned by Wallace Hall. The new development will restrict access to the pile of concrete on the property so this will reduce the chance of having a concrete crusher installed.
There is also some excavation on Green River Trail due to AT&T installing fiber. At some point in the future the City of Fort Worth will be working on sewer and water lines in the neighborhood.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Terri Bailey posted the November meeting minutes on Nextdoor in the Documents section. A motion was made by Sheila Camp to approve the minutes. A second was made by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Forsythe said that we started November with $10,671.73. We had an income of $25.24 and expenses of $342.20, which includes water bills, postal box rental and entryway maintenance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,379.77 as of December 31. We’re in fine shape.
COPS Report: Becky Forsythe said that we had 20 people who patrolled in December with 111 hours. Instead of having a COPS Christmas party, she distributed gift certificates for Italy Past and Pizza along with homemade cannoli. She can always use more volunteers for the COPS program.
Gordon said that he and his wife had noticed a homeless encampment on Christmas Eve at Smith Wilemon Park. It looked like the fire had spread and burned several trees. He has reported it to the police.
He also said the construction of a new home at 136 Willow Ridge was very noisy on a Sunday morning. The concrete trucks also appear to have dumped concrete waste on Dale Hollow near Willow Ridge. Linda recommends reporting the concrete issue to code enforcement. Cynthia said that the property owner and contractor for the property are the same person.
Gordon asked if we had a contact for the White Lake Hills Apartments due to trash on their property. Linda recommended contacting code for those issues since the property manager has not been responsive.
Linda was asked if our dues have always been voluntary and what they cover. She listed the items that the dues cover such as neighborhood events, entry maintenance and payment for meeting locations. She also explained our trust fund and how it came about.
Nominations Committee: Several of our officers are meeting their 4 year term limits. The slate proposed in November is as follows: For President – Bill Hannah. For Vice-President – Adam Noggle. For Secretary – Becky Forsythe. For Treasurer – Terri Bailey. For Parliamentarian – Doug Forsythe. Other nominees or other slates of officers are invited but none are presented. The presented slate of officers is voted in unanimously. We have new officers
Linda will be at Tabor Creek Farms at 3400 Village Creek Road Saturday from 8 to noon, behind the Family Dollar Store. Volunteers are welcome. Hopefully our next meeting will be at the Polybrook Methodist Church.
Several neighborhoods will be hosting a presentation on TAD appraisals on Feb. 3. More on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting on November 13, 2023 at the Montessori School.
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7pm and introduce Kris, the WLH COPS Co-Captain, who then introduce the WLH Neighborhood Police Officer Freddie Nelson. Nelson discussed a proposed deployment of Police cameras that could be placed at the neighborhoods entrances to record license plates, deter crime and would be monitored by professionals. During the Q & A it was suggested we write a letter of support for the cameras.
President Hanna polled those present for their support of the camera idea and they were unanimous in their support.
Officer Nelson reported on crime for the previous two months, and then introduced A J Williams the new Commander of the FWPD Eastside division. Commander Williams shared his story of service beginning in EFW and rising through the ranks to leadership and indicated he will try to attend WLHNA meetings in the future.
Charles Edmonds, Secretary, presented the minutes of the September25th meeting. They were amended for a typographical error and accepted. A copy is attached.
Terri Bailey, Treasurer, presented the Monthly report of income and expenses and it was accepted. A copy is attached.
A representative of the Montessori School invited residents of WLHNA to attend their Festival of Lights on December 21rst, form 6-8pm at the school. There will be tours, a silent auction, and a student musical presentation at 6:15pm. Admittance is free, but a number of vendors will be offering goods.
Bill Bowman, Co-Captain of the WLH COPS organization reported Paul and Julie Dominguez have joined COPS bringing the membership to 24. Last month they recorded 105.25 volunteer hours.
President Hanna called upon Doug Forsythe to report the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. The nominated were:
President, Charles Edmonds
Vice-President Myra Waldrop
Treasurer Terri Bailey
Secretary Sherri Glaser
Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe
Seeing no nominations from the floor, President Hanna called for a motion and second that nominations cease, and the slate presented by the committee be elected by cclamation. The vote was unanimous in favor and the new officers were elected.
President Hanna confirmed that both the Fall Festival and 5 K Race were cancelled because of rain. The 5K race was rescheduled, but the rain persisted. Despite the weather a few runners persisted and refreshments were served under the pavilion at Smith-Wilemon Park, Pictures have been posted on the WLHNA website (whitelakehills.org).
Terri Bailey presented two new projects that the neighborhood hopes to accomplish in 2024. Norma Hofmeister has volunteered to organize the effort to recruit volunteers throughout the neighborhood to serve as Block Captains to increase our connection with all of our residents. Teri also presented a new volunteer led neighborhood directory for those residents interested in participating. The directory would provide better communications within the neighborhood.
There was an expression of support for both projects.
There was an expression of appreciation for both President Hanna and Adam Noggle for their service and continuing support of the neighborhood.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
Vice President Adam Noggle called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Mr. Noggle introduced Ms. Jones who represented the Montessori School (the host facility) to speak about the school’s operation. She revealed the school offers daycare, preschool programs, and grades 1-5. The school enjoys a partnership with the Academy of Visual Arts wherein students can continue to the 6th grade. They currently have 196 students. The school’s fundraising goal is $18,000 for which they have raised $2,257. They are recruiting volunteers for new landscaping as they prepare for opening on September 25th. They will continue their Annual Carnival 0n October 6, 2023 and the public is welcome.
Mr. Noggle gave a brief FWPD report for NPO Freddie Nelson. In August there were 20 incidents in Nelson’s district, but only one police call in White Lake Hills.
Mr. Noggle called on the WLH COPS co-captains for the COPS report. Bill Bowman reported 24 members and 19 were active. They patrolled 61.25 patrol hours in August. In addition, there were 19.25 observation hours, 1.5 walking hours, and 10 volunteer hours for a total of 93 hours. National Night Out will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 3rd, 6-8pm at 709 Green River Trail and 904 Raintree Rd. Neighbors in the vicinity of those locations will receive invitations. At Green River Trail hamburgers will be served. The purpose is to promote the FWPD, WLH COPS and the cooperation of neighbors.
Mr. Noggle recommended the use of www.whitelakehills.org which is the neighborhoods web site where information about the neighborhood is posted.
Treasurer Terri Bailey’s financial report for August was given and a copy is attached. It was approved in a unanimous vote.
Secretary Charles Edmonds reported the minutes of the neighborhood’s July 10, 2023 meeting had been posted previously on the neighborhoods web site and offered printed copies. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Mr. Noggle offered as ongoing business the CFW’s Park and Recreation Department’s hearings regarding the Revision of the Gateway Park’s Master Plan and their current budget of $8,000.000. He encouraged engagement and participation. The next hearing will be held at Eastern Hills High School September 21rst at 6pm. He mentioned an Amphitheater, splash park, riding stables and dirt bike trail as examples.
The CFW’s Litter Stomp has been postponed and will be scheduled for a later date. They have adopted six miles of the trail beginning at Quanah Parker Park.
The next WLHNA Garage sale will be on Friday October 6th and Saturday the 7th from 8am to 5pm. Anyone interested in being listed in the newspaper and location map should contact Terri Bailey at 817-504-0057. Residents do not have to participate in the ad and flyer to hold an independent sale.
The WLHNA Fall Festival will be held October 31rst at Smith Wilemon Park. Festivities begin with the 5K race at 9pm followed at 10:30 by music, food and socializing. The music will be provided by “Mostly Water and Dirt” and sponsored by Paul Blankenship, one of our neighbors. The WLHNA will prepare the meat and ask attendees to bring prepared sides and desserts. The event is free to White Lake residents.
The CFW Park and Recreation program offers a “Tree Program” wherein they giveaway of five-gallon native hybrid trees with the only requirements being they are planted within twenty feet of the curb and on a “thruway” (not a cul-de-sac). There will be an announcement by the neighborhood in the future and orders will be combined for delivery.
Jane Cumbie shared that Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist Church is restarting their “Carnival Night” on October 31rst at 6pm and everyone is invited to attend. Admittance is free, but tickets are needed for games and concessions.
Ross Stevens said that he is working with the Montessori school and others to promote and expand the trail system through Fort Worth into Dallas County. Christmas activities are being considered along the trail from Quanah Parker Park to Grapevine Lake.
Doug Forsythe introduced the members of his committee and offered a slate of office holders for 2024. They included for President Charles Edmonds, Vice-President Adam Noggle, Treasurer Terri Bailey and Secretary Sherri Glaser. The election will be held at the next meeting of the WLHNA on November 13, 2023 and terms will begin January 1, 2024. The floor will be open for other nominations prior to the vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
June 10, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Charles Edmonds, Acting Secretary, reminded everyone the minutes of the last meeting were posted on the WLH.org website and offered a printed copy for their reading.
President Hanna called for a motion to accept the minutes as presented and the motion was made by Jim Thompson and seconded by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were accepted in a unanimous vote.
Terri Bailey gave her Treasurers report, and it was accepted. There ensued a brief discussion of using Venmo for future payments of association dues. The report is attached.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenters Paul Kerpoe and Angela Goodwin representing the Texas Blossoms Texas Project in Fort Worth. The project was an idea given by Ann Tandy to her husband Charles Tandy and others in 1978 and was designed to emulate tree plantings she had observed in the Northeast. Jerry Barton with a group of volunteers and donors brought the project to fruition, established annual fundraising, and expanded the project to include painted murals. 1600 trees have been planted. A brochure and map illustrating the project thus far is attached.
President Hanna called for old business and there was none. He observed that the WLHNA 4th of July parade and park ceremonies were well attended and invited everyone to pay their volunteer annual dues of $25 or a more generous donation. To save postage, dues can be deposited in Teri Bailey’s residential mail slot at 704 Candlewood Rd.
Under new business President Hanna reminded everyone upcoming events include a neighborhood garage sale (TBD), Fall festival and reinstated the Steve Chaney Award for outstanding service to the neighborhood (fall meeting). He then appointed volunteers Sheila Camp, Doug Forsythe, Linda Fulmer, Norma Hostetter and Jim Thompson to serve as the nominating committee with the goal of reporting their recommendations for next year’s officers at the September meeting. Attendees were encouraged to send donations for the Texas Blossoms project to WLHNA, P. O. Box 8656, Fort Worth, TX 76103.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attachments: Blossoms brochure & map, Treasurers report
In lieu of the Blossoms brochure & map, the web address is www.TexasBlossoms.org
Treasurer’s Report – July 10, 2023 – Terri Bailey
We started May with a balance of $8,712.63. Over the two months, we received income from dues of $125.27 from 5 households.
We spent $1200 on mowing of 3 entrances once a week. We spent $200.61 on water for 2 entrances.
The 4th of July Parade and Party cost us $150 for parade insurance. The refreshments were $401.19 (dry ice, ice cream, water & sodas) but they won’t show up on the books until July. $200 was donated to the band from Myra and Phil Waldrop. The total one time cost to the neighborhood for the event was $551.19.
Three sign panels for the 4th of July were purchased from Fast Signs for $335.79. A week before the event, one sign was taken and had to be replaced at a cost of $160.33. After the event, the missing sign was found and returned so we now have an extra sign frame and 4thof July event panel.
An additional cost of $3.00 is charged for an ATM card for the neighborhood account which would allow us to accept Venmo should we decide to do so. Venmo is owned by the same company as Paypal and has similar fees. Our bank does not participate in Zelle.
We ended the month of June with an account balance of $6,788.17.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
May 8, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
At the request of President Hanna, first time attendees introduced themselves: Bradley & Samantha Lane and children Noah and Amelia (720 Green River Trail), and Shaye Evans (220 Willow Ridge Rd.
Treasurer Terri Bailey presented the minutes of the previous meeting on March 13, 2023, and were approved unanimously after a motion by Charles Edmonds and second by Tommy Farquhar.
Terri Bailey gave treasurers report, and it was accepted.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenter Donnie Pham, CCM, from AECPM, the consulting engineering firm hired by the City of Fort Worth to gather public input and data as part of the effort to update the 2009 master plan for Gateway Park. Consultant Pham reviewed the history of Gateway Park and its connection to Panther Island, The Army Corp of Engineers, and the Tarrant County Water Control Board. The purpose of the update is consideration of the of changes that have taken place since the last Master Plan update in 2009 to validate the plan or recognize the public’s desire to reset the priorities. There is only eight million dollars remaining from the 2022 bond program, so any projects for planning and implementing projects will probably require additional funding.
During the Q & A neighborhood members emphasized the size and importance of the park. Pham responded there will be three public scheduled meetings. Meeting one will be for fact finding, two will be to package the recommendations, and three will be to gather a consensus of the priorities for the updated plan. Pham said it is crucial that we attend all three of those meetings and make our opinions heard. The dates will be announced.
COPS Captains Bill Bowman and Kris Lewis reported on neighborhood COPS patrol activity and an upcoming ice cream social for all active patrollers.
President Hanna discussed the next neighborhood event and invited everyone attending to pay their volunteer dues of $20 or a more generous donation.
There was an announcement of a musical presentation in the neighborhood on May 12that a residence on Granite Shoals Ave. more information is available at philhenn@aol.com .
The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Officer Freddie Nelson described the boundaries of his beat. He said that not much is going on in our neighborhood other than complaints about expired tags. The people hanging out at Smith Wilemon Park have left. Cars can be reported if they are parked in the street and are obviously non-operable, abandoned or if the tag is expired. If a problem car is in a driveway then Code has to handle it.
Gyna Bivens is introduced by Charles Edmonds. She is the incumbent for our new City Council District. She explained what she has done for her district since 2013. After speaking, she left the building.
Terrance Hamilton with the Community Engagement Office said April 6 is the last day to register to vote, April 24-May 2 is early voting and May 6 is Election Day. Fortworthtexas.gov lists candidates for City Council. The new council district for White Lake Hills is district 5. He went over various links such as the Myfortworth app to find information on the election or report neighborhood issues. He then handed out 2023 Calendars.
Adam Noggle introduced Hannah Johnson who spoke about getting free trees from the Fort Worth Forestry Section Services - Community Tree Planting department. She handed out flyers with information. Her contact information is Hannah.johnson@fortworthtexas.gov. They are currently taking requests for 2024. Adam Noggle has volunteered to coordinate the program for White Lake Hills.
Trash Talkers – Adam Noggle has renewed our contract adopting an even larger section of the trail for another 5 years. There will not be a Trash Talkers in March due to a City sponsored cleanup program.
The minutes have been posted on Whitelakehills.org. Charles Edmonds made a motion made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Jack Kuehn and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $,3,311.67. We had an income of $8,509.32 which included dues of $4,359.32 and a $4,150 transfer from the Trust. Expenses were $1,607.51, which includes water bills, mowing, signs and 1 year of flag service. That leaves us with a balance of $9,814.20 as of February 28. The base water charge has gone up and so has the flag service fee. A special thanks to Scott & Moe Wheeler for a donation of $350.
Bill Hanna said we need a new member for the Trust to replace someone who moved. We need a committee to form to nominate a new Trust member. A committee quickly formed and nominated Tommy Farquhar. He was quickly elected.
March 25 – Cowtown Cleanup at Smith Wilemon Park. T-shirts will be provided. Show up at 8am.
April 1 – WLH Easter Egg Hunt at Smith Wilemon Park – 10am. Help the Easter Bunny if you show up at 9am. WLH T-shirts are still available in Large, x-large and 3x-large. $20 each.
Spring Garage Sale – dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Block Captains will be considered at a future meeting.
Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman provided a COPS report. 24 patrollers last month. We can use more patrollers. We also request that patrollers keep an eye on our schools. More information can be found at www.whitelakehills.org and we have information available here.
New residents – Jacob & Iris at 4909 Boulder Lake, Romeo at 5025 Fall River Dr.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
January 9, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Bill Hanna asked for a show of hands to accept same officers for next year. It was approved unanimously.
Officers in attendance: Bill Hanna, President, Doug Forsythe, Parliamentarian, Terri Bailey, Treasurer. Absent due to illness: Adam Noggle, Vice President, Melissa Kirkland, Secretary, Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman, COPS Coordinators. Substitute Secretary for this evening – Becky Forsythe.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started November with $5,370.15. We had an income of $205.18 and expenses of $2,263.66, which includes water bills, mowing, web development & 2 domain names, signs, envelopes & door hangers and PO Box rental. That leaves us with a balance of $3,311.67 as of December 30.
It is proposed that we request $8,000 from the trust to cover next year’s budget. Tommy Farquhar moved to approve the budget. It passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the November meeting were distributed and have also been posted on our website, www.WhiteLakeHills.org along with the minutes for the previous September meeting. Sue Hicks moved to approve the minutes. They passed unanimously.
New Business:
Neighborhood Entrances - dead tree limbs overhang the property at the Lake Havasu entrance. Doug Forsythe was concerned that the neighborhood could be liable for damage caused by falling limbs. It was pointed out that the median is owned by the City of Fort Worth and the land on each side is owned by East Fort Worth Montessori Academy. The neighborhood doesn’t own the land at any of our entrances and is not liable for injuries on these properties. We maintain the entrances because we care about them, not because we are required to.
Spring Garage Sale– dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Next Meeting– Monday, March 13, 2023. Officer Nelson will attend and we will also have a guest speaker TBA, possibly the soil conservationist from last spring.
Event Committeefor Spring Easter Egg Hunt – Jack & Pat Kuehn volunteer to organize.
AirBNBs are still a big topic of concern. Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye out for problems and report them.
Bill Hanna is committed to posting a Presidents blog page on our website.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Adam Noggle – The 5K was very successful. There were 29 participants. Trash Talkers meets Saturday morning at 8am. It lasts 1 hour. It’s been ongoing for over 4 years. Everyone is welcome to join in. Bags are provided but grabbers are useful.
Guest Speaker– Elijah de la Garza, Owner of Woodhaven Country Club, Contractor & Real Estate Developer. Louis Scoma was ready to sell the club and Elijah was ready to buy it. It’s in very bad shape and is not operable. The golf course will be redeveloped including 5000 new trees and new restaurants. Revenue will not be limited to memberships. His investment group is buying up a lot of surrounding land. He currently owns around 300 acres of which the golf course is around 150 acres. They plan to invest in local businesses. The process should take 24-36 months. They have civil engineers and attorneys to hire. They’ve hired Tom Kite, US Open winner to help with the design of the new course. The plan will include a spa and at least 5 new restaurants in the area. The current swimming pool is beyond repair. Tennis will be available along with pickleball and basketball. There will be meeting spaces available. He appreciates any moral support the local neighborhoods can offer.
Bill Hanna has Charles Edmonds fill in for Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland doesn’t have the minutes prepared but they will be posted on Nextdoor next week. They will also be posted on our new web page.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started September with $7,638.24. We had an income of $399.24 and expenses of $2,667.33, which includes water bills, mowing and Fall Festival/ 5 K expenses. That leaves us with a balance of $5,370.15 as of October 31. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
We have 3 AirBnbs operating in the neighborhood. They are illegal and should be reported to the City. 5009 Boulder Lake, 701 Raintree *, 625 Blue Lake Drive. Complaints can be made on the MyFW app.
A developer has contacted the neighborhood proposing a possible new development behind the houses on Willow Ridge around an existing small lake. He wanted to know how we feel about multi-story multi-family housing or small rental homes. He was told that we would prefer single family homes comparable to existing homes in the area. Our residents would not like tall buildings overlooking their backyards and our neighborhood would fight any zoning change to allow that.
We have a website at www.WhiteLakeHills.com. Anyone who is familiar with Wordpress is welcome to assist us. We have hired an expert to instruct us. Damon Docksteder is hosting the site.
Charles Edmonds moves to accept the delayed-minutes and financial reports. They are accepted unanimously.
COPS Citizens on Patrol – Bill Bowman: We should have a minimum of 8 new patrollers by next year. Forms are available if anyone is interested. The next class is in January. We have plenty of openings for new patrollers.
Linda Fulmer is coordinating Cookies for Cops (and firefighters + code officials.) Volunteers are needed to donate goodies (homebaked goods, nuts, fruit, etc.) and help pack them up.
Bill Hanna intends to have our lawn maintenance company also mow around the photinias at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail, as compensation for our use of the school for our meetings. The school is also looking for volunteers to help with their gardens.
Dec. 16 – Evening of Lights – The Montessori School would appreciate donations of holiday lights.
We will be printing door tags to remind people to pay their dues. The dues are due now and are $25 per year.
Peggy Terrell – is working to get the crepe myrtles at the Blue Lake entrance trimmed to improve visibility.
There will be a pancake breakfast at Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist for 4H club on this coming Saturday 8-10.
A homeless camp has been reported in Smith Wilemon Park.
There will be a Christmas Light judging in December. It will be handled by Geoffrey Tate.
Nominating Committee for Trust positions – Norma Hofmeister.
Volunteers for passing out door tags: Myra Waldrop, Melissa Kirkland
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
* UPDATE JAN. 10, 2023 - The owner of 701 Raintree Road has notified us that the property now requires a 31 day minimum stay and is not a short term rental.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hannah called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Officer Nelson, White Lake Hills NPO, spoke to our group about issues affecting the neighborhood, particularly the number of homeless individuals being pushed into the area due to the Panther Pavilion project. Noted one aggravated the previous weekend that was still being investigated. Officer Nelson requested that residents notify him of suspicious vehicles or individuals in the neighborhood, including texting him license plate photos and informing him of any calls placed to 911, to keep him informed. He indicated that the Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association would like to have a joint meeting with White Lake Hills. Officer Nelson encouraged residents to attend City Council meetings to voice concerns about the homeless moving into the area (and the lack of charging of those individuals bu the District Attorney’s office, as well as other issues affecting the neighborhood.
Ms. Adriane Yarclay, SEL Coordinator at East Fort Worth Montessori, addressed the group. Sukai Durosimi, Superintendent, has offered the use of the school facilities for meetings. The school would like to build a stronger relationship with the neighborhood association. The school is just completing construction due to the ice storm last year. The school hosts a clinic without walls, parent universities, and other events that they would like to open to the community. The school is looking for a Boy Scout troop interested in taking on the raised garden beds as a troop project.
Bruce Frankel, CEO/President of DRC Solutions, presented to the group about the nonprofit organization’s programs for homeless individual in the Fort Worth area. DRC Solutions focuses on housing, critical documents, and outreach involving FWPD, FWFD, and MHMR. They also provide cold-weather overflow housing when shelters are full. They are the fourth largest homelessness provider in the Fort Worth area. They specialize in working with the chronically homeless who have disabilities, particularly those who have mental illness. They partner with developers to provide affordable housing and permanent housing for homeless disabled individuals.
Fort Worth has 1,200 to 1,600 homeless persons in the city on any given day, but only has nighttime shelter for approximately half of those. Last year the governor signed a law that outlawed homeless encampments and threatens to withhold funding from cities that do not break up such encampments. Enforcement activities are pushing homeless people out of the city center and into neighborhoods. Inflation in the housing market is also contributing to homelessness. For questions or additional information about how you can be part of the solution, call 817-810-9797 or email info@drc-solutions.org.
Meeting Minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland note the minutes from July have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started July with $10,553.84. We had income of $883 from dues and donations, and expenses of $3,798.60, including T-shirts, water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $7,638.24 as of August 31. Terri also gave a T-shirt report, noting that we need to sell 17 additional shirts to break even.
Bill Hannah noted upcoming events, including the Dairy Run 5K and fall festival on October 15th, and a fall dues push involving placing door hangers throughout the neighborhood. Bill is requesting assistance with the fall festival and meal. His phone number is 817-798-3567 for those who would like to volunteer. The website is in progress and will be available soon.
Adam Noggle, VP, noted Trash Talkers would normally pick up trash in Quanah Parker Park on Saturday, September 17; however, this is the date for the Trinity Trash Bash. If you would like to register to participate, sign up at Trash Bash website and choose option 7 for Quanah Parker Park.
Terri Bailey noted the neighborhood garage sale will be September 30th – October 1st starting at 8am.
National Night Out will be October 4th. Information is available on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
July 11, 2022
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped by to speak to our group. She discussed a survey that her office will be sending out to those who voted in the latest elections. The survey will address and request input on matters of importance in the upcoming legislative session, including affordable long-term care, firearms and school safety, voting laws, gambling/gaming, and decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. She requested that everyone complete and return the survey to have their voices heard.
Meeting Minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey said the meeting minutes from May have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started May with $10,583.67. We had income of $395.67 from dues and donations, and expenses of $475.44, including water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $10,553.84 as of June 30. The money market account, which earns interest at a rate of 0.15%, which earned .36 in June and .38 in May, for a total money market balance of $2,923.90 at June 30.
Citizens on Patrol report: Bill Bowman reports COPS is looking for volunteers for as little as a couple of hours per month. The program only has 14 volunteers on the list right now. Individuals volunteering a minimum of 1-2 hours per month would be greatly appreciated.
T-Shirt Report: WLH is selling T-shirts for $20 each. The association spent $1,034.87 on shirts and currently has a deficit of $409.87. We need to sell 21 more shirts to break even.
Presentation: Sheila Franklin, member of the North Central Texas chapter of the Native Plant Society, gave a presentation on butterflies. She recommended the website www.dallasbutterflies.comfor a list of local butterflies, including host plants by butterfly.
New Business:
Bill Hanna discussed the ongoing process of amending the bylaws in order to have a quorum to be able to conduct business and to limit the number of meetings required of the executive committee.
Bill mentioned 4th of July in the park was successful. Further information will be forthcoming about the fall festival and garage sale. Items for discussion include a dinner for attendees.
Bill Hanna discussed websites. The association is working with a software called WordPress to set up the website (currently at whitelakehills.com) and transition away from Nextdoor. Anyone with ideas for content should email Bill at browndogjensen@gmail.com.
Quanah Parker Trash Talkers meet the 3rdSaturday of the month from 8am – 9am. Bring gloves and a trash grabber. Bags will be provided.
Bill Hanna reminded attendees about the MyFW app, which is useful for reporting code compliance violations to the city.
New Residents
Laurence Furr and Matthew Naughton live on Willow Ridge. They have lived here for ten years but this is their first meeting. Sarah Cloud is a new resident who lives on Blue Lake Court. Welcome Laurence, Matthew and Sarah!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped in to speak to our group. She encouraged us to call her office if there was any problem that she might be able to help with. Her number is 817-332-1180. Her email is Nicole.collier@house.texas.gov.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced our guest speakers, Bobbie Spence and Connie Miller of Silver Creek Materials. They discussed landscaping materials and soil amendments, including Zoo Poo. Information about their business can be found at www.silvercreekmaterials.com. They are located at 2251 Silver Creek Rd., Fort Worth, 76108.
Meeting minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey says the meeting minutes from March have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at this meeting. Linda Fulmer moves to approve the minutes. Doug Forsythe moves to second the minutes. The minutes are approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started March with $10,427.79. We had an income of $275.00 and expenses of $119.12, which includes water bills and mowing at the Blue Lake Drive entrance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,583.67 as of April 30. We’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Citizens on Patrol report– Becky Forsythe says that a meeting will be held on the upcoming Friday at the Hanna’s house at 6:30pm to go over the My Fort Worth AP. All active patrollers are invited. The active patrollers can then distribute the information to the neighborhood.
New Business:
Bylaws – Bill Hanna is forming a committee to rewrite the Bylaws. The committee will consist of Doug Forsythe and Bill Hanna. A third member is needed. Geoffrey Tait is persuaded to join.
Bill Hanna says the Easter Egg Hunt was very successful. It was a great opportunity to meet neighbors. He would like our 4thof July Celebration to also be successful. The Parade can start at 10am before it’s too hot. The activity following the parade is open to discussion, whether brisket or ice cream or something else.
We are looking at a lawn mowing service to care for our 3 entrances. Bill Hanna is open to discussing the job with anyone who is interested in applying. Terri will post the opening on Nextdoor for White Lake Hills’ residents.
The Neighborhood Garage sale is coming up in June on the 3rd and 4th. Anyone who wants to participate should notify Terri Bailey to be added to the map.
We are considering ordering t-shirts for the neighborhood. One option is displayed which says “Welcome to White Lake Hills”. Another option is a royal blue shirt with the neighborhood logo is in white. Several neighbors express a preference for the “Welcome to White Lake Hills” design. An order of at least 51 shirts costs the neighborhood just under $12 for each shirt. Terri Bailey will order shirts.
New Residents:
Myra Waldrop now lives at 4900 Granite Shoals with her husband and father-in-law. Welcome Myra!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
Bill asked if we had any new residents. We have Alan and Melissa Kirkland at 1001 Green River Trail.
Bill wants to encourage all our residents to get to know their neighbors.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $10,354.77. We had an income of $275.72 and expenses of $252.70, which includes water bills and annual flag service payment. That leaves us with a balance of $10,377.79 as of February 28. We have more than we started the year with so we’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Becky Forsythe read the minutes for the last meeting in January. They have been posted on Nextdoor. A motion is made to approve the minutes. The motion receives a second. The minutes are approved unanimously.
NPO Officer Freddie Nelson: He may be promoted at the end of July. He hopes to bring a group of final candidates for his replacement position to one of our meetings. He would like our neighborhood to be involved in the selection process. Also, Commander Elgin hopes to combine meetings with each neighborhood into fewer meetings with several neighborhoods attending. Officer Nelson has suggested combining his two neighborhoods, Central Meadowbrook and White Lake Hills for a meeting the first Thursday of every month.
Officer Nelson said that there’s been an uptick in suspicious people caught on Ring cameras trying doors to see if they’re unlocked. He also said that if anyone is dissatisfied with the police response to a problem, they should contact him directly and he will look into it. There’s also been a problem with homeless people trying to move into Smith Wilemon Park. He and other officers have run them off. There are currently 2 classes at the police academy. The East side will have 25 new officers. He said that White Lake Hills is typically a quiet neighborhood but they still try to have a patrol car drive through 3-4 times per night. Keep your cars locked at night. Most mischief occurs between 1am and 5am. Ring cameras have been very helpful.
Neighborhood cameras are being discussed again. There’s a possibility that they can be monitored by the police department. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Old Business:White Lake Hills Trust needs to replace Stacy Wilson (who has moved) and Terri Bailey (who is now attending as Treasurer.) The proposed slate of Trust members is as follows – James Spivey for a 2ndterm, Jane Goodenough for a 2nd term, Paul Dominguez as a new member and Ialeen Cole as a new member. Bill Hanna will automatically attend as WLHNA President. There are no other nominees proposed. A motion is made to accept the proposed slate. A second is made. The slate is accepted unanimously.
New Business:
Bill Hanna points out that we are just starting to have in person gatherings again and we will be resuming neighborhood events. We need to gauge what sort of support there is for our 4th of July picnic & parade, Fall Festival, etc. These events require effort and we need people to be involved.
WLH Neighborhood Garage Sale will be the 1stweekend in June, Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5thstarting at 8am.
Bill Hanna would like to have some sort of directory or data base for our neighborhood. He agrees that a printed directory would probably not work but something digital might. Suggestions are welcome.
Easter Egg Hunt – Aaron Mullen’s daughter will be the Easter Bunny. Linda Fulmer has the bunny suit and will provide it to Bill Hanna.
An annual audit is overdue so it will now be addressed.
Bill Hanna asks for suggestions for speakers for upcoming meetings.
Adam Noggle founded the Trash Talkers group 4 years ago. It’s the 1stSaturday of each month at 8am at Quanah Parker Park. Volunteers are invited to help keep the park clean.
March 26 – Cowtown Cleanup with be at Smith Wilemon Park and free t-shirts are provided along with supplies like bags and trash grabbers.
Construction activity is ongoing at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail. Neighbors are wondering what is being done.
Prize tickets are read out and prizes are awarded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Linda Fulmer called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm on ZOOM.
Linda asked if we have anyone who hasn’t attended a meeting. Justine Healey and her husband moved into the area a year ago last August on Fall River Drive.
President’s report:
This is Linda’s last meeting as president since we will have new officers after this meeting.
There is construction underway on the property on 1st Street owned by Wallace Hall. The new development will restrict access to the pile of concrete on the property so this will reduce the chance of having a concrete crusher installed.
There is also some excavation on Green River Trail due to AT&T installing fiber. At some point in the future the City of Fort Worth will be working on sewer and water lines in the neighborhood.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Terri Bailey posted the November meeting minutes on Nextdoor in the Documents section. A motion was made by Sheila Camp to approve the minutes. A second was made by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Forsythe said that we started November with $10,671.73. We had an income of $25.24 and expenses of $342.20, which includes water bills, postal box rental and entryway maintenance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,379.77 as of December 31. We’re in fine shape.
COPS Report: Becky Forsythe said that we had 20 people who patrolled in December with 111 hours. Instead of having a COPS Christmas party, she distributed gift certificates for Italy Past and Pizza along with homemade cannoli. She can always use more volunteers for the COPS program.
Gordon said that he and his wife had noticed a homeless encampment on Christmas Eve at Smith Wilemon Park. It looked like the fire had spread and burned several trees. He has reported it to the police.
He also said the construction of a new home at 136 Willow Ridge was very noisy on a Sunday morning. The concrete trucks also appear to have dumped concrete waste on Dale Hollow near Willow Ridge. Linda recommends reporting the concrete issue to code enforcement. Cynthia said that the property owner and contractor for the property are the same person.
Gordon asked if we had a contact for the White Lake Hills Apartments due to trash on their property. Linda recommended contacting code for those issues since the property manager has not been responsive.
Linda was asked if our dues have always been voluntary and what they cover. She listed the items that the dues cover such as neighborhood events, entry maintenance and payment for meeting locations. She also explained our trust fund and how it came about.
Nominations Committee: Several of our officers are meeting their 4 year term limits. The slate proposed in November is as follows: For President – Bill Hannah. For Vice-President – Adam Noggle. For Secretary – Becky Forsythe. For Treasurer – Terri Bailey. For Parliamentarian – Doug Forsythe. Other nominees or other slates of officers are invited but none are presented. The presented slate of officers is voted in unanimously. We have new officers
Linda will be at Tabor Creek Farms at 3400 Village Creek Road Saturday from 8 to noon, behind the Family Dollar Store. Volunteers are welcome. Hopefully our next meeting will be at the Polybrook Methodist Church.
Several neighborhoods will be hosting a presentation on TAD appraisals on Feb. 3. More on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting on November 13, 2023 at the Montessori School.
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7pm and introduce Kris, the WLH COPS Co-Captain, who then introduce the WLH Neighborhood Police Officer Freddie Nelson. Nelson discussed a proposed deployment of Police cameras that could be placed at the neighborhoods entrances to record license plates, deter crime and would be monitored by professionals. During the Q & A it was suggested we write a letter of support for the cameras.
President Hanna polled those present for their support of the camera idea and they were unanimous in their support.
Officer Nelson reported on crime for the previous two months, and then introduced A J Williams the new Commander of the FWPD Eastside division. Commander Williams shared his story of service beginning in EFW and rising through the ranks to leadership and indicated he will try to attend WLHNA meetings in the future.
Charles Edmonds, Secretary, presented the minutes of the September25th meeting. They were amended for a typographical error and accepted. A copy is attached.
Terri Bailey, Treasurer, presented the Monthly report of income and expenses and it was accepted. A copy is attached.
A representative of the Montessori School invited residents of WLHNA to attend their Festival of Lights on December 21rst, form 6-8pm at the school. There will be tours, a silent auction, and a student musical presentation at 6:15pm. Admittance is free, but a number of vendors will be offering goods.
Bill Bowman, Co-Captain of the WLH COPS organization reported Paul and Julie Dominguez have joined COPS bringing the membership to 24. Last month they recorded 105.25 volunteer hours.
President Hanna called upon Doug Forsythe to report the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. The nominated were:
President, Charles Edmonds
Vice-President Myra Waldrop
Treasurer Terri Bailey
Secretary Sherri Glaser
Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe
Seeing no nominations from the floor, President Hanna called for a motion and second that nominations cease, and the slate presented by the committee be elected by cclamation. The vote was unanimous in favor and the new officers were elected.
President Hanna confirmed that both the Fall Festival and 5 K Race were cancelled because of rain. The 5K race was rescheduled, but the rain persisted. Despite the weather a few runners persisted and refreshments were served under the pavilion at Smith-Wilemon Park, Pictures have been posted on the WLHNA website (whitelakehills.org).
Terri Bailey presented two new projects that the neighborhood hopes to accomplish in 2024. Norma Hofmeister has volunteered to organize the effort to recruit volunteers throughout the neighborhood to serve as Block Captains to increase our connection with all of our residents. Teri also presented a new volunteer led neighborhood directory for those residents interested in participating. The directory would provide better communications within the neighborhood.
There was an expression of support for both projects.
There was an expression of appreciation for both President Hanna and Adam Noggle for their service and continuing support of the neighborhood.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
Vice President Adam Noggle called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Mr. Noggle introduced Ms. Jones who represented the Montessori School (the host facility) to speak about the school’s operation. She revealed the school offers daycare, preschool programs, and grades 1-5. The school enjoys a partnership with the Academy of Visual Arts wherein students can continue to the 6th grade. They currently have 196 students. The school’s fundraising goal is $18,000 for which they have raised $2,257. They are recruiting volunteers for new landscaping as they prepare for opening on September 25th. They will continue their Annual Carnival 0n October 6, 2023 and the public is welcome.
Mr. Noggle gave a brief FWPD report for NPO Freddie Nelson. In August there were 20 incidents in Nelson’s district, but only one police call in White Lake Hills.
Mr. Noggle called on the WLH COPS co-captains for the COPS report. Bill Bowman reported 24 members and 19 were active. They patrolled 61.25 patrol hours in August. In addition, there were 19.25 observation hours, 1.5 walking hours, and 10 volunteer hours for a total of 93 hours. National Night Out will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 3rd, 6-8pm at 709 Green River Trail and 904 Raintree Rd. Neighbors in the vicinity of those locations will receive invitations. At Green River Trail hamburgers will be served. The purpose is to promote the FWPD, WLH COPS and the cooperation of neighbors.
Mr. Noggle recommended the use of www.whitelakehills.org which is the neighborhoods web site where information about the neighborhood is posted.
Treasurer Terri Bailey’s financial report for August was given and a copy is attached. It was approved in a unanimous vote.
Secretary Charles Edmonds reported the minutes of the neighborhood’s July 10, 2023 meeting had been posted previously on the neighborhoods web site and offered printed copies. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Mr. Noggle offered as ongoing business the CFW’s Park and Recreation Department’s hearings regarding the Revision of the Gateway Park’s Master Plan and their current budget of $8,000.000. He encouraged engagement and participation. The next hearing will be held at Eastern Hills High School September 21rst at 6pm. He mentioned an Amphitheater, splash park, riding stables and dirt bike trail as examples.
The CFW’s Litter Stomp has been postponed and will be scheduled for a later date. They have adopted six miles of the trail beginning at Quanah Parker Park.
The next WLHNA Garage sale will be on Friday October 6th and Saturday the 7th from 8am to 5pm. Anyone interested in being listed in the newspaper and location map should contact Terri Bailey at 817-504-0057. Residents do not have to participate in the ad and flyer to hold an independent sale.
The WLHNA Fall Festival will be held October 31rst at Smith Wilemon Park. Festivities begin with the 5K race at 9pm followed at 10:30 by music, food and socializing. The music will be provided by “Mostly Water and Dirt” and sponsored by Paul Blankenship, one of our neighbors. The WLHNA will prepare the meat and ask attendees to bring prepared sides and desserts. The event is free to White Lake residents.
The CFW Park and Recreation program offers a “Tree Program” wherein they giveaway of five-gallon native hybrid trees with the only requirements being they are planted within twenty feet of the curb and on a “thruway” (not a cul-de-sac). There will be an announcement by the neighborhood in the future and orders will be combined for delivery.
Jane Cumbie shared that Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist Church is restarting their “Carnival Night” on October 31rst at 6pm and everyone is invited to attend. Admittance is free, but tickets are needed for games and concessions.
Ross Stevens said that he is working with the Montessori school and others to promote and expand the trail system through Fort Worth into Dallas County. Christmas activities are being considered along the trail from Quanah Parker Park to Grapevine Lake.
Doug Forsythe introduced the members of his committee and offered a slate of office holders for 2024. They included for President Charles Edmonds, Vice-President Adam Noggle, Treasurer Terri Bailey and Secretary Sherri Glaser. The election will be held at the next meeting of the WLHNA on November 13, 2023 and terms will begin January 1, 2024. The floor will be open for other nominations prior to the vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
June 10, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Charles Edmonds, Acting Secretary, reminded everyone the minutes of the last meeting were posted on the WLH.org website and offered a printed copy for their reading.
President Hanna called for a motion to accept the minutes as presented and the motion was made by Jim Thompson and seconded by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were accepted in a unanimous vote.
Terri Bailey gave her Treasurers report, and it was accepted. There ensued a brief discussion of using Venmo for future payments of association dues. The report is attached.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenters Paul Kerpoe and Angela Goodwin representing the Texas Blossoms Texas Project in Fort Worth. The project was an idea given by Ann Tandy to her husband Charles Tandy and others in 1978 and was designed to emulate tree plantings she had observed in the Northeast. Jerry Barton with a group of volunteers and donors brought the project to fruition, established annual fundraising, and expanded the project to include painted murals. 1600 trees have been planted. A brochure and map illustrating the project thus far is attached.
President Hanna called for old business and there was none. He observed that the WLHNA 4th of July parade and park ceremonies were well attended and invited everyone to pay their volunteer annual dues of $25 or a more generous donation. To save postage, dues can be deposited in Teri Bailey’s residential mail slot at 704 Candlewood Rd.
Under new business President Hanna reminded everyone upcoming events include a neighborhood garage sale (TBD), Fall festival and reinstated the Steve Chaney Award for outstanding service to the neighborhood (fall meeting). He then appointed volunteers Sheila Camp, Doug Forsythe, Linda Fulmer, Norma Hostetter and Jim Thompson to serve as the nominating committee with the goal of reporting their recommendations for next year’s officers at the September meeting. Attendees were encouraged to send donations for the Texas Blossoms project to WLHNA, P. O. Box 8656, Fort Worth, TX 76103.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attachments: Blossoms brochure & map, Treasurers report
In lieu of the Blossoms brochure & map, the web address is www.TexasBlossoms.org
Treasurer’s Report – July 10, 2023 – Terri Bailey
We started May with a balance of $8,712.63. Over the two months, we received income from dues of $125.27 from 5 households.
We spent $1200 on mowing of 3 entrances once a week. We spent $200.61 on water for 2 entrances.
The 4th of July Parade and Party cost us $150 for parade insurance. The refreshments were $401.19 (dry ice, ice cream, water & sodas) but they won’t show up on the books until July. $200 was donated to the band from Myra and Phil Waldrop. The total one time cost to the neighborhood for the event was $551.19.
Three sign panels for the 4th of July were purchased from Fast Signs for $335.79. A week before the event, one sign was taken and had to be replaced at a cost of $160.33. After the event, the missing sign was found and returned so we now have an extra sign frame and 4thof July event panel.
An additional cost of $3.00 is charged for an ATM card for the neighborhood account which would allow us to accept Venmo should we decide to do so. Venmo is owned by the same company as Paypal and has similar fees. Our bank does not participate in Zelle.
We ended the month of June with an account balance of $6,788.17.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
May 8, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
At the request of President Hanna, first time attendees introduced themselves: Bradley & Samantha Lane and children Noah and Amelia (720 Green River Trail), and Shaye Evans (220 Willow Ridge Rd.
Treasurer Terri Bailey presented the minutes of the previous meeting on March 13, 2023, and were approved unanimously after a motion by Charles Edmonds and second by Tommy Farquhar.
Terri Bailey gave treasurers report, and it was accepted.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced the program presenter Donnie Pham, CCM, from AECPM, the consulting engineering firm hired by the City of Fort Worth to gather public input and data as part of the effort to update the 2009 master plan for Gateway Park. Consultant Pham reviewed the history of Gateway Park and its connection to Panther Island, The Army Corp of Engineers, and the Tarrant County Water Control Board. The purpose of the update is consideration of the of changes that have taken place since the last Master Plan update in 2009 to validate the plan or recognize the public’s desire to reset the priorities. There is only eight million dollars remaining from the 2022 bond program, so any projects for planning and implementing projects will probably require additional funding.
During the Q & A neighborhood members emphasized the size and importance of the park. Pham responded there will be three public scheduled meetings. Meeting one will be for fact finding, two will be to package the recommendations, and three will be to gather a consensus of the priorities for the updated plan. Pham said it is crucial that we attend all three of those meetings and make our opinions heard. The dates will be announced.
COPS Captains Bill Bowman and Kris Lewis reported on neighborhood COPS patrol activity and an upcoming ice cream social for all active patrollers.
President Hanna discussed the next neighborhood event and invited everyone attending to pay their volunteer dues of $20 or a more generous donation.
There was an announcement of a musical presentation in the neighborhood on May 12that a residence on Granite Shoals Ave. more information is available at philhenn@aol.com .
The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Officer Freddie Nelson described the boundaries of his beat. He said that not much is going on in our neighborhood other than complaints about expired tags. The people hanging out at Smith Wilemon Park have left. Cars can be reported if they are parked in the street and are obviously non-operable, abandoned or if the tag is expired. If a problem car is in a driveway then Code has to handle it.
Gyna Bivens is introduced by Charles Edmonds. She is the incumbent for our new City Council District. She explained what she has done for her district since 2013. After speaking, she left the building.
Terrance Hamilton with the Community Engagement Office said April 6 is the last day to register to vote, April 24-May 2 is early voting and May 6 is Election Day. Fortworthtexas.gov lists candidates for City Council. The new council district for White Lake Hills is district 5. He went over various links such as the Myfortworth app to find information on the election or report neighborhood issues. He then handed out 2023 Calendars.
Adam Noggle introduced Hannah Johnson who spoke about getting free trees from the Fort Worth Forestry Section Services - Community Tree Planting department. She handed out flyers with information. Her contact information is Hannah.johnson@fortworthtexas.gov. They are currently taking requests for 2024. Adam Noggle has volunteered to coordinate the program for White Lake Hills.
Trash Talkers – Adam Noggle has renewed our contract adopting an even larger section of the trail for another 5 years. There will not be a Trash Talkers in March due to a City sponsored cleanup program.
The minutes have been posted on Whitelakehills.org. Charles Edmonds made a motion made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Jack Kuehn and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $,3,311.67. We had an income of $8,509.32 which included dues of $4,359.32 and a $4,150 transfer from the Trust. Expenses were $1,607.51, which includes water bills, mowing, signs and 1 year of flag service. That leaves us with a balance of $9,814.20 as of February 28. The base water charge has gone up and so has the flag service fee. A special thanks to Scott & Moe Wheeler for a donation of $350.
Bill Hanna said we need a new member for the Trust to replace someone who moved. We need a committee to form to nominate a new Trust member. A committee quickly formed and nominated Tommy Farquhar. He was quickly elected.
March 25 – Cowtown Cleanup at Smith Wilemon Park. T-shirts will be provided. Show up at 8am.
April 1 – WLH Easter Egg Hunt at Smith Wilemon Park – 10am. Help the Easter Bunny if you show up at 9am. WLH T-shirts are still available in Large, x-large and 3x-large. $20 each.
Spring Garage Sale – dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Block Captains will be considered at a future meeting.
Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman provided a COPS report. 24 patrollers last month. We can use more patrollers. We also request that patrollers keep an eye on our schools. More information can be found at www.whitelakehills.org and we have information available here.
New residents – Jacob & Iris at 4909 Boulder Lake, Romeo at 5025 Fall River Dr.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
January 9, 2023 – East Fort Worth Montessori Academy
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Bill Hanna asked for a show of hands to accept same officers for next year. It was approved unanimously.
Officers in attendance: Bill Hanna, President, Doug Forsythe, Parliamentarian, Terri Bailey, Treasurer. Absent due to illness: Adam Noggle, Vice President, Melissa Kirkland, Secretary, Kris Lewis & Bill Bowman, COPS Coordinators. Substitute Secretary for this evening – Becky Forsythe.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started November with $5,370.15. We had an income of $205.18 and expenses of $2,263.66, which includes water bills, mowing, web development & 2 domain names, signs, envelopes & door hangers and PO Box rental. That leaves us with a balance of $3,311.67 as of December 30.
It is proposed that we request $8,000 from the trust to cover next year’s budget. Tommy Farquhar moved to approve the budget. It passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the November meeting were distributed and have also been posted on our website, www.WhiteLakeHills.org along with the minutes for the previous September meeting. Sue Hicks moved to approve the minutes. They passed unanimously.
New Business:
Neighborhood Entrances - dead tree limbs overhang the property at the Lake Havasu entrance. Doug Forsythe was concerned that the neighborhood could be liable for damage caused by falling limbs. It was pointed out that the median is owned by the City of Fort Worth and the land on each side is owned by East Fort Worth Montessori Academy. The neighborhood doesn’t own the land at any of our entrances and is not liable for injuries on these properties. We maintain the entrances because we care about them, not because we are required to.
Spring Garage Sale– dates will be posted and voted on in March.
Next Meeting– Monday, March 13, 2023. Officer Nelson will attend and we will also have a guest speaker TBA, possibly the soil conservationist from last spring.
Event Committeefor Spring Easter Egg Hunt – Jack & Pat Kuehn volunteer to organize.
AirBNBs are still a big topic of concern. Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye out for problems and report them.
Bill Hanna is committed to posting a Presidents blog page on our website.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Adam Noggle – The 5K was very successful. There were 29 participants. Trash Talkers meets Saturday morning at 8am. It lasts 1 hour. It’s been ongoing for over 4 years. Everyone is welcome to join in. Bags are provided but grabbers are useful.
Guest Speaker– Elijah de la Garza, Owner of Woodhaven Country Club, Contractor & Real Estate Developer. Louis Scoma was ready to sell the club and Elijah was ready to buy it. It’s in very bad shape and is not operable. The golf course will be redeveloped including 5000 new trees and new restaurants. Revenue will not be limited to memberships. His investment group is buying up a lot of surrounding land. He currently owns around 300 acres of which the golf course is around 150 acres. They plan to invest in local businesses. The process should take 24-36 months. They have civil engineers and attorneys to hire. They’ve hired Tom Kite, US Open winner to help with the design of the new course. The plan will include a spa and at least 5 new restaurants in the area. The current swimming pool is beyond repair. Tennis will be available along with pickleball and basketball. There will be meeting spaces available. He appreciates any moral support the local neighborhoods can offer.
Bill Hanna has Charles Edmonds fill in for Parliamentarian Doug Forsythe.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland doesn’t have the minutes prepared but they will be posted on Nextdoor next week. They will also be posted on our new web page.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started September with $7,638.24. We had an income of $399.24 and expenses of $2,667.33, which includes water bills, mowing and Fall Festival/ 5 K expenses. That leaves us with a balance of $5,370.15 as of October 31. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
We have 3 AirBnbs operating in the neighborhood. They are illegal and should be reported to the City. 5009 Boulder Lake, 701 Raintree *, 625 Blue Lake Drive. Complaints can be made on the MyFW app.
A developer has contacted the neighborhood proposing a possible new development behind the houses on Willow Ridge around an existing small lake. He wanted to know how we feel about multi-story multi-family housing or small rental homes. He was told that we would prefer single family homes comparable to existing homes in the area. Our residents would not like tall buildings overlooking their backyards and our neighborhood would fight any zoning change to allow that.
We have a website at www.WhiteLakeHills.com. Anyone who is familiar with Wordpress is welcome to assist us. We have hired an expert to instruct us. Damon Docksteder is hosting the site.
Charles Edmonds moves to accept the delayed-minutes and financial reports. They are accepted unanimously.
COPS Citizens on Patrol – Bill Bowman: We should have a minimum of 8 new patrollers by next year. Forms are available if anyone is interested. The next class is in January. We have plenty of openings for new patrollers.
Linda Fulmer is coordinating Cookies for Cops (and firefighters + code officials.) Volunteers are needed to donate goodies (homebaked goods, nuts, fruit, etc.) and help pack them up.
Bill Hanna intends to have our lawn maintenance company also mow around the photinias at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail, as compensation for our use of the school for our meetings. The school is also looking for volunteers to help with their gardens.
Dec. 16 – Evening of Lights – The Montessori School would appreciate donations of holiday lights.
We will be printing door tags to remind people to pay their dues. The dues are due now and are $25 per year.
Peggy Terrell – is working to get the crepe myrtles at the Blue Lake entrance trimmed to improve visibility.
There will be a pancake breakfast at Meadowbrook-Poly Methodist for 4H club on this coming Saturday 8-10.
A homeless camp has been reported in Smith Wilemon Park.
There will be a Christmas Light judging in December. It will be handled by Geoffrey Tate.
Nominating Committee for Trust positions – Norma Hofmeister.
Volunteers for passing out door tags: Myra Waldrop, Melissa Kirkland
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
* UPDATE JAN. 10, 2023 - The owner of 701 Raintree Road has notified us that the property now requires a 31 day minimum stay and is not a short term rental.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hannah called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.
Officer Nelson, White Lake Hills NPO, spoke to our group about issues affecting the neighborhood, particularly the number of homeless individuals being pushed into the area due to the Panther Pavilion project. Noted one aggravated the previous weekend that was still being investigated. Officer Nelson requested that residents notify him of suspicious vehicles or individuals in the neighborhood, including texting him license plate photos and informing him of any calls placed to 911, to keep him informed. He indicated that the Central Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association would like to have a joint meeting with White Lake Hills. Officer Nelson encouraged residents to attend City Council meetings to voice concerns about the homeless moving into the area (and the lack of charging of those individuals bu the District Attorney’s office, as well as other issues affecting the neighborhood.
Ms. Adriane Yarclay, SEL Coordinator at East Fort Worth Montessori, addressed the group. Sukai Durosimi, Superintendent, has offered the use of the school facilities for meetings. The school would like to build a stronger relationship with the neighborhood association. The school is just completing construction due to the ice storm last year. The school hosts a clinic without walls, parent universities, and other events that they would like to open to the community. The school is looking for a Boy Scout troop interested in taking on the raised garden beds as a troop project.
Bruce Frankel, CEO/President of DRC Solutions, presented to the group about the nonprofit organization’s programs for homeless individual in the Fort Worth area. DRC Solutions focuses on housing, critical documents, and outreach involving FWPD, FWFD, and MHMR. They also provide cold-weather overflow housing when shelters are full. They are the fourth largest homelessness provider in the Fort Worth area. They specialize in working with the chronically homeless who have disabilities, particularly those who have mental illness. They partner with developers to provide affordable housing and permanent housing for homeless disabled individuals.
Fort Worth has 1,200 to 1,600 homeless persons in the city on any given day, but only has nighttime shelter for approximately half of those. Last year the governor signed a law that outlawed homeless encampments and threatens to withhold funding from cities that do not break up such encampments. Enforcement activities are pushing homeless people out of the city center and into neighborhoods. Inflation in the housing market is also contributing to homelessness. For questions or additional information about how you can be part of the solution, call 817-810-9797 or email info@drc-solutions.org.
Meeting Minutes: Secretary Melissa Kirkland note the minutes from July have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started July with $10,553.84. We had income of $883 from dues and donations, and expenses of $3,798.60, including T-shirts, water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $7,638.24 as of August 31. Terri also gave a T-shirt report, noting that we need to sell 17 additional shirts to break even.
Bill Hannah noted upcoming events, including the Dairy Run 5K and fall festival on October 15th, and a fall dues push involving placing door hangers throughout the neighborhood. Bill is requesting assistance with the fall festival and meal. His phone number is 817-798-3567 for those who would like to volunteer. The website is in progress and will be available soon.
Adam Noggle, VP, noted Trash Talkers would normally pick up trash in Quanah Parker Park on Saturday, September 17; however, this is the date for the Trinity Trash Bash. If you would like to register to participate, sign up at Trash Bash website and choose option 7 for Quanah Parker Park.
Terri Bailey noted the neighborhood garage sale will be September 30th – October 1st starting at 8am.
National Night Out will be October 4th. Information is available on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
July 11, 2022
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped by to speak to our group. She discussed a survey that her office will be sending out to those who voted in the latest elections. The survey will address and request input on matters of importance in the upcoming legislative session, including affordable long-term care, firearms and school safety, voting laws, gambling/gaming, and decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. She requested that everyone complete and return the survey to have their voices heard.
Meeting Minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey said the meeting minutes from May have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started May with $10,583.67. We had income of $395.67 from dues and donations, and expenses of $475.44, including water bills and mowing. That leaves an ending balance of $10,553.84 as of June 30. The money market account, which earns interest at a rate of 0.15%, which earned .36 in June and .38 in May, for a total money market balance of $2,923.90 at June 30.
Citizens on Patrol report: Bill Bowman reports COPS is looking for volunteers for as little as a couple of hours per month. The program only has 14 volunteers on the list right now. Individuals volunteering a minimum of 1-2 hours per month would be greatly appreciated.
T-Shirt Report: WLH is selling T-shirts for $20 each. The association spent $1,034.87 on shirts and currently has a deficit of $409.87. We need to sell 21 more shirts to break even.
Presentation: Sheila Franklin, member of the North Central Texas chapter of the Native Plant Society, gave a presentation on butterflies. She recommended the website www.dallasbutterflies.comfor a list of local butterflies, including host plants by butterfly.
New Business:
Bill Hanna discussed the ongoing process of amending the bylaws in order to have a quorum to be able to conduct business and to limit the number of meetings required of the executive committee.
Bill mentioned 4th of July in the park was successful. Further information will be forthcoming about the fall festival and garage sale. Items for discussion include a dinner for attendees.
Bill Hanna discussed websites. The association is working with a software called WordPress to set up the website (currently at whitelakehills.com) and transition away from Nextdoor. Anyone with ideas for content should email Bill at browndogjensen@gmail.com.
Quanah Parker Trash Talkers meet the 3rdSaturday of the month from 8am – 9am. Bring gloves and a trash grabber. Bags will be provided.
Bill Hanna reminded attendees about the MyFW app, which is useful for reporting code compliance violations to the city.
New Residents
Laurence Furr and Matthew Naughton live on Willow Ridge. They have lived here for ten years but this is their first meeting. Sarah Cloud is a new resident who lives on Blue Lake Court. Welcome Laurence, Matthew and Sarah!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
State Representative Nicole Collier stopped in to speak to our group. She encouraged us to call her office if there was any problem that she might be able to help with. Her number is 817-332-1180. Her email is Nicole.collier@house.texas.gov.
Vice President Adam Noggle introduced our guest speakers, Bobbie Spence and Connie Miller of Silver Creek Materials. They discussed landscaping materials and soil amendments, including Zoo Poo. Information about their business can be found at www.silvercreekmaterials.com. They are located at 2251 Silver Creek Rd., Fort Worth, 76108.
Meeting minutes: Substitute Secretary Terri Bailey says the meeting minutes from March have been posted on Nextdoor and copies are available at this meeting. Linda Fulmer moves to approve the minutes. Doug Forsythe moves to second the minutes. The minutes are approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started March with $10,427.79. We had an income of $275.00 and expenses of $119.12, which includes water bills and mowing at the Blue Lake Drive entrance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,583.67 as of April 30. We’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Citizens on Patrol report– Becky Forsythe says that a meeting will be held on the upcoming Friday at the Hanna’s house at 6:30pm to go over the My Fort Worth AP. All active patrollers are invited. The active patrollers can then distribute the information to the neighborhood.
New Business:
Bylaws – Bill Hanna is forming a committee to rewrite the Bylaws. The committee will consist of Doug Forsythe and Bill Hanna. A third member is needed. Geoffrey Tait is persuaded to join.
Bill Hanna says the Easter Egg Hunt was very successful. It was a great opportunity to meet neighbors. He would like our 4thof July Celebration to also be successful. The Parade can start at 10am before it’s too hot. The activity following the parade is open to discussion, whether brisket or ice cream or something else.
We are looking at a lawn mowing service to care for our 3 entrances. Bill Hanna is open to discussing the job with anyone who is interested in applying. Terri will post the opening on Nextdoor for White Lake Hills’ residents.
The Neighborhood Garage sale is coming up in June on the 3rd and 4th. Anyone who wants to participate should notify Terri Bailey to be added to the map.
We are considering ordering t-shirts for the neighborhood. One option is displayed which says “Welcome to White Lake Hills”. Another option is a royal blue shirt with the neighborhood logo is in white. Several neighbors express a preference for the “Welcome to White Lake Hills” design. An order of at least 51 shirts costs the neighborhood just under $12 for each shirt. Terri Bailey will order shirts.
New Residents:
Myra Waldrop now lives at 4900 Granite Shoals with her husband and father-in-law. Welcome Myra!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Bill Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm at the Meadowbrook Poly Methodist Church.
Bill asked if we had any new residents. We have Alan and Melissa Kirkland at 1001 Green River Trail.
Bill wants to encourage all our residents to get to know their neighbors.
Treasurer’s Report: Terri Bailey said that we started January with $10,354.77. We had an income of $275.72 and expenses of $252.70, which includes water bills and annual flag service payment. That leaves us with a balance of $10,377.79 as of February 28. We have more than we started the year with so we’re doing well. Reminder – it’s time to pay your dues if you haven’t already done so.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Becky Forsythe read the minutes for the last meeting in January. They have been posted on Nextdoor. A motion is made to approve the minutes. The motion receives a second. The minutes are approved unanimously.
NPO Officer Freddie Nelson: He may be promoted at the end of July. He hopes to bring a group of final candidates for his replacement position to one of our meetings. He would like our neighborhood to be involved in the selection process. Also, Commander Elgin hopes to combine meetings with each neighborhood into fewer meetings with several neighborhoods attending. Officer Nelson has suggested combining his two neighborhoods, Central Meadowbrook and White Lake Hills for a meeting the first Thursday of every month.
Officer Nelson said that there’s been an uptick in suspicious people caught on Ring cameras trying doors to see if they’re unlocked. He also said that if anyone is dissatisfied with the police response to a problem, they should contact him directly and he will look into it. There’s also been a problem with homeless people trying to move into Smith Wilemon Park. He and other officers have run them off. There are currently 2 classes at the police academy. The East side will have 25 new officers. He said that White Lake Hills is typically a quiet neighborhood but they still try to have a patrol car drive through 3-4 times per night. Keep your cars locked at night. Most mischief occurs between 1am and 5am. Ring cameras have been very helpful.
Neighborhood cameras are being discussed again. There’s a possibility that they can be monitored by the police department. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Old Business:White Lake Hills Trust needs to replace Stacy Wilson (who has moved) and Terri Bailey (who is now attending as Treasurer.) The proposed slate of Trust members is as follows – James Spivey for a 2ndterm, Jane Goodenough for a 2nd term, Paul Dominguez as a new member and Ialeen Cole as a new member. Bill Hanna will automatically attend as WLHNA President. There are no other nominees proposed. A motion is made to accept the proposed slate. A second is made. The slate is accepted unanimously.
New Business:
Bill Hanna points out that we are just starting to have in person gatherings again and we will be resuming neighborhood events. We need to gauge what sort of support there is for our 4th of July picnic & parade, Fall Festival, etc. These events require effort and we need people to be involved.
WLH Neighborhood Garage Sale will be the 1stweekend in June, Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5thstarting at 8am.
Bill Hanna would like to have some sort of directory or data base for our neighborhood. He agrees that a printed directory would probably not work but something digital might. Suggestions are welcome.
Easter Egg Hunt – Aaron Mullen’s daughter will be the Easter Bunny. Linda Fulmer has the bunny suit and will provide it to Bill Hanna.
An annual audit is overdue so it will now be addressed.
Bill Hanna asks for suggestions for speakers for upcoming meetings.
Adam Noggle founded the Trash Talkers group 4 years ago. It’s the 1stSaturday of each month at 8am at Quanah Parker Park. Volunteers are invited to help keep the park clean.
March 26 – Cowtown Cleanup with be at Smith Wilemon Park and free t-shirts are provided along with supplies like bags and trash grabbers.
Construction activity is ongoing at the Montessori School on Lake Havasu Trail. Neighbors are wondering what is being done.
Prize tickets are read out and prizes are awarded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Meeting Minutes, White Lake Hills Neighborhood Association
President Linda Fulmer called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm on ZOOM.
Linda asked if we have anyone who hasn’t attended a meeting. Justine Healey and her husband moved into the area a year ago last August on Fall River Drive.
President’s report:
This is Linda’s last meeting as president since we will have new officers after this meeting.
There is construction underway on the property on 1st Street owned by Wallace Hall. The new development will restrict access to the pile of concrete on the property so this will reduce the chance of having a concrete crusher installed.
There is also some excavation on Green River Trail due to AT&T installing fiber. At some point in the future the City of Fort Worth will be working on sewer and water lines in the neighborhood.
Meeting minutes: Secretary Terri Bailey posted the November meeting minutes on Nextdoor in the Documents section. A motion was made by Sheila Camp to approve the minutes. A second was made by Doug Forsythe. The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Forsythe said that we started November with $10,671.73. We had an income of $25.24 and expenses of $342.20, which includes water bills, postal box rental and entryway maintenance. That leaves us with a balance of $10,379.77 as of December 31. We’re in fine shape.
COPS Report: Becky Forsythe said that we had 20 people who patrolled in December with 111 hours. Instead of having a COPS Christmas party, she distributed gift certificates for Italy Past and Pizza along with homemade cannoli. She can always use more volunteers for the COPS program.
Gordon said that he and his wife had noticed a homeless encampment on Christmas Eve at Smith Wilemon Park. It looked like the fire had spread and burned several trees. He has reported it to the police.
He also said the construction of a new home at 136 Willow Ridge was very noisy on a Sunday morning. The concrete trucks also appear to have dumped concrete waste on Dale Hollow near Willow Ridge. Linda recommends reporting the concrete issue to code enforcement. Cynthia said that the property owner and contractor for the property are the same person.
Gordon asked if we had a contact for the White Lake Hills Apartments due to trash on their property. Linda recommended contacting code for those issues since the property manager has not been responsive.
Linda was asked if our dues have always been voluntary and what they cover. She listed the items that the dues cover such as neighborhood events, entry maintenance and payment for meeting locations. She also explained our trust fund and how it came about.
Nominations Committee: Several of our officers are meeting their 4 year term limits. The slate proposed in November is as follows: For President – Bill Hannah. For Vice-President – Adam Noggle. For Secretary – Becky Forsythe. For Treasurer – Terri Bailey. For Parliamentarian – Doug Forsythe. Other nominees or other slates of officers are invited but none are presented. The presented slate of officers is voted in unanimously. We have new officers
Linda will be at Tabor Creek Farms at 3400 Village Creek Road Saturday from 8 to noon, behind the Family Dollar Store. Volunteers are welcome. Hopefully our next meeting will be at the Polybrook Methodist Church.
Several neighborhoods will be hosting a presentation on TAD appraisals on Feb. 3. More on Nextdoor.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
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